Helping with the Aftermath[Completed]

Nov 22, 2006 23:41

Character(s): Machu Picchu, Haku, Naruto
Content: The fighters all go inside to help with the aftermath of the attacks, and get some help for any of their own injuries from the aftermath as well.
Setting: inside Paradisio Hospital
Time: late evening/night
Warnings: nothing yet

"This is irritating." Picchu mumbled as she crouched on the floor in the hospital to provent herself from first of all, hitting her head on the ceiling, and second of all, stepping or kneeling on her tail. She used her fingers as well as she could to comb her wings back, checking herself over for scratches and cuts.

She lifted her head up, and glanced out the doors and windows when she had finished grooming her wings back. There no longer were any creations frozen, all that was left was merely the shells of ice. "Ah...They're gone? Well, that is rather anticlimactic. It's still worrying, though."

She decided that now that she was out of danger she should check out the device in her hands. She typed in two words that defined her and then her password. Following that, she began poking around, exploring other people's entries. After reading quite a bit, a little box in the corner popped up, 'Michael?' it read. She paused. Only one person she knew would call her Michael. Her brother. That made things a little easier. She tried to explain to him that she wasn't Michael at the moment. But it wasn't turning out so well. At least by the end of the short conversation he decided to behave. She didn't want to have to clean up any of her brother's messes at the moment. She'd talk to him later.

She sighed, turning toward Haku and Naruto, "Well. I'm not sure how much use I can be with the whole building being so small, but I'll try to help as best I can."

machu picchu/the winged defender, haku, completed, uzumaki naruto, paradisio hospital, npcs

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