Character(s): Ayame, Zim, Nobodies, Chii, Fai D. Flowright
Content: A meeting of crack. Zim and Ayame happen to be around the same area at the same time and will maybeprobablyalmostcertainly get their bums horribly defeated by Nobodies!
Setting: Auntie Unde's.
Time: Early afternoonish, I guess.
Warnings: CRACK. Stupidity. Annoyingness. Wtferism.
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He snickered as the green kid went on about Ayame so obviously being eaten, but before he could react and assure him he hadn't been devoured, he lost his hold and began to slip. Avoiding a most painful fall, he managed to slither down one of those odd spider-like legs protruding from the boy's back, took one look up at the strange creature, then looked toward the boy. "KICK IT IN THE FACE!" he demanded, raising himself up as much as possible. "HEAD! THE HEAD!"
He hissed softly and began to follow the strange creature around, attempting to wrap itself around its legs, and tried to bite at it whenever he managed to get close enough. "Stop wiggling!" he demanded of the creature, swaying back and forth in irritation. How could he do anything like this? how could he do anything normally? He'd never dealt with these kinds of things before!
"Torisaaaan~" he whined softly and sniffled dramatically, feeling a bit sore from the earlier abuse. He couldn't think of what Hatori would do in a situation like this, which was somewhat distressing.
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