May 11, 2006 02:12

Character(s): Miles, Dias, Hojo
Content: One of the most devastating things of his life--Miles is suddenly dirt. Poor.
Setting: Morem o Lisboa in Muspelheim
Time: Early Saturday morning
Warnings: None, except for Dias might be hella pissed...

This couldn't be real. Surely this must be some sort of sick, twisted nightmare and he'd awaken in the elevator at the Prosecutor's Office any minute now.

Aaaany minute now.

Okay. So maybe it wasn't a dream. But this surely couldn't be real.

"There must be some mistake," Edgeworth managed to utter at the woman behind the desk. "I had almost half a million dollars in that account." He, of course, conviniently decided to leave out the part that he'd used the card multiple times--it wasn't lying, that was for sure. Just like how using a supposedly 'void' card here wasn't stealing.

"I'm sorry, sir, but this card here says you have nothing in your account," the woman said, shaking her head and putting the card back up on the counter where he rested his arms. He stared at it a moment, slackjawed and feeling a stab of betrayal--he wasn't exactly sure how a bank card could betray him, but it obviously had.

So this is what it was like to be broke. He'd heard Gumshoe talk about it constantly--"Oh man, pal! Whatta great setup you've got here! I wish I had the money to afford digs like this!" "My steak lunch is missing!! That took HALF of what was left of my paycheck to buy!!!" -- but Edgeworth never thought he'd ever have to fall into poverty.

He glanced over his shoulder at the suddenly very tall mercenary and swallowed. Miles never thought he'd have to face an angry fighter that he owed five thousand dollars because he needed him to go to a castle to save his friend from 4th Grade's 'sidekick.'

First time for everything. Unfortunately, he could've done without this rather new and life-threatening experience.

The attorney turned, trying to look as unshaken as he could (he couldn't hide the paleness of his features), and said, very quietly, "I'm sorry, but it appears that... I have no money."

muspelheim, dias flac, morem o lisboa, miles edgeworth, toshiro hojo

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