ACTIVITY CHECK (Sept. 8th-15th)

Sep 08, 2011 01:31



Yo! It's that time again! Activity Check time! You have until September 15th to reply. If you are on hiatus (like me), please drop us a line on the sidebar link, otherwise we'll miss you.

50% of your characters need SOME kind of first person activity to pass this check. If you have an uneven amount of characters, round up. If you only have one character, and you have good reason for why they haven't/can't post, then fair enough. Let us know, and it probably won't be a problem.

*Just to make it clear, comments on a mb entry/other journals count, as well as PIMP convos.*

Reply with your character name, their journal, a link to their latest post, and the date of that post.

Then, to make it easy, just copy and paste a URL to some first person activity and note the date. (Livejournal will automatically make it a link.) It's easy, and we won't bite, I promise! <3

For example:

Blue (halvedhowl) - Aug. 21st (Sept. 6th)

Gwen (lovesamidboss) - Sept. 6th (Sept. 6th)

Hades (masterfulflames) - Sept. 6th (Sept. 6th)

Ma (meerkatmama) - Sept. 6th

Zidane Tribal (theherotail) - Sept. 15th

Here is a template for those of you who find such things useful:


activity check, mod post by heather

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