Life's a tunnel [active]

Sep 06, 2011 01:05

Character(s): Ma, open
Content: Ma's been keeping distracted while her son explores the big ol' world.
Setting: Wherever someone wants her to pop out :D
Time: Late afternoon
Warnings: A certain song getting in your head?

Ma had been very reserved lately, once more sucking in her fears and worries to let Timon out from under her loving care and out into the big, new world that was Paixao. She could do it! She could. It was hard, sure. It was insufferable. She just... needed to keep herself distracted and watch (and sometimes listen) from afar. And what was the best distraction for a meerkat? Well.

Funny you should ask.

Beneath the floorboard of the building Timon had moved his mother to was the start of a tunnel system. There was no real order to the system of tunnels; in fact, there was none to speak of. After all, the digging was her distraction - anytime her worry returned in full force, her tunnel jerked off in some other direction...

But she always made it "home"... enough to make face if Timon returned...

Eventually, the meerkat manages to burrow back to the surface somewhere in Paixao, humming a tune softly, piling dirt away from her hole and quickly surveying her surroundings.

week 34, iroh's shop, ma, iroh

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