Jan 13, 2007 01:22
Ah, finally, a messageboard! It's about time I found something that I recognize in this city, even if it is on a strange little electronic device such as this.
I've never actually posted a mark on one of these before, but I have a sneaking suspicision that my sudden appearance in this city has something to do with a certain grimy bangaa by the name of Ba'Gamnan. And this is the last straw; it's high time I rid myself of the nuisance once and for all.
I would estimate him to be a Rank V mark, and he can be found barrelling clumsily around Rabanastre on practically any given day. Let me know if you're interested in this petition. Archadian nobility and those who work closely with them need not apply.
ashe (ashelia b'nargin dalmasca),