The Girl and The Bodyguard II Chapter One

Mar 31, 2013 02:58

Title; The Girl and The Bodyguard
Fandom; The O.C.
Pairing; Ryan/Summer, Minor Luke/Taylor
Rating; M for future sexual situations
Warnings; Alternative Universe
Summary; After the disappearance of Marissa Cooper has everyone in Newport worried about the safety of their own children, Neil Roberts decides to hire a bodyguard to watch over his daughter, Summer Roberts. Summer instantly dislikes Ryan Atwood but that will soon change as the two begin to discover the truth about one another.
Author's Note; Soooo basically i watched this video;,(i also stole the title cause i couldnt think of anything else, apologies) though i have never seen this tv show, i dont speak spanish and i live in the UK. I was really intrigued by it and i've been watching videos for the past couple of days, the whole Bodyguard thing has always been a favourite of mine and then i got a brainwave for Ryan/Summer. I have the basics mapped out but I am not really sure about this at all. I dont know if i like it or not, so we'll see...

Chapter One

2 Weeks.
It had been 2 weeks since Summer Robert’s best friend had gone missing. Been kidnapped or something. Whatever.
Summer Roberts didn’t care what everybody’s theories about the whereabouts of Marissa Cooper were anymore. She just wanted her best friend back.
School wasn’t the same, everyone was talking about Marissa. How she had been sold into sex slavery, buried alive, one rumour even suggested that she had killed someone and run away. Seriously, what idiots. Summer thought. The worst part of all this was, that it wasn’t just losers around the school spreading all this ‘gossip’. It was Summer’s friends. In front of her and that hurt her more than anything else.
Though of course, she had to act like it didn’t bother her at all, that was the way it worked around here.
Summer rolled her eyes and headed out of the student hall, she couldn’t take this anymore and grabbed out her phone. She dialled the numbers, knowing them by heart.
“Sum? Whats up” Summer’s other best friend Taylor spoke on the other line.
“Taylor, you finished Social Chair yet?” School had finished a couple of hours ago for both girls, Taylor had taken over Social Chair from Marissa Cooper since her disappearance which kept her pretty busy whilst Summer had been kept behind to work on some extra credit for her Geography class. Summer was in desperate need of a latte or something.
“Yeah, I’m just heading out now. You around?” Before Summer got the chance to reply, she heard Taylor call out her name, quickly headed towards her. The two girls pulled each other into a hug. It had been a pretty stressful time for both of them. Whilst Taylor and Marissa weren’t exactly close, what with the pair of them constantly fighting over Social Chair and whether it would be better to throw a Casino Night or a Carnival they both had one thing in common. They both loved Summer and for that purpose, they both attempted to get along.
“Hey, you wanna grab a drink or something? I am so sick of being around these skanks and hoes spreading crap about Marissa.” Taylor grimaced, she’d been hearing the rumours all day.
“Of course, sweetie. Lets head to starbucks, my treat!”.


Neil Roberts was concerned and it never really was an emotion the man dealt with often unless Summer had gotten herself into some trouble which actually, considering the society that they lived in, was not all that often. If Summer did get into trouble then she hid it well. But that didn’t stop him being concerned this time, this time it concerned his daughters best friend. She was missing. The word on the street was that she had been kidnapped. Someone had kidnapped the Cooper’s daughter which meant that no one was safe.
The only thing Neil could think of to ease his worry was to have a talk with Sandy Cohen, a close friend and lawyer. Sandy was a pretty clever guy and he had a son that was friends with both his daughter and the Cooper’s.
A quick knock came at his office door, within a second Sandy Cohen popped his head round the corner.
“Neil!” He boomed. He was known for being loud and having bushy eyebrows. “How you doing?” Neil shrugged.
“So, so. I’ve known Marissa since she was just a little kid, it feels weird not having her constantly around the house Sandy.” Sandy nodded.
“Yeah, I know what you mean. Seth is just not the same right now. He’s quiet and mopey. He hasn’t been sarcastic in weeks, I gotta tell you, I’m going a little crazy right now.” Nail was quiet for a moment, contemplating his next words.
“How safe do you think our kids are, Sandy?” Sandy looked a little taken aback. Newport was known for being private, very selective of its community and overall pretty safe. Until perhaps now.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, Marissa is gone. Possibly taken, disappeared who knows where. Everyone’s got the police and all that money can buy out there looking for her and she’s still not been found-“
“Well, its only been 2 weeks Neil-“
“What I mean is,” Neil interrupted. “What are the chances of Summer being taken next? Or Seth? They are both friends of Marissa’s. They would have both been seen with her if Marissa had been watched, they could be next.”
“Now wait a minute, Neil. We don’t even know if Marissa has been taken by anyone.” There was slight silence between the two men, neither of them completely sure on what to say next. Neil wondered if perhaps, he was thinking too drastically but at the end of the day, if there was even the slightest chance that Summer could be in danger, he was going to take all the precautions. After a few more contemplative moments, Sandy sighed and spoke. “I’ll be honest, I have been wondering the same thing. So I’ve been looking into a protection service to see what they can do for Seth.”
Neil looked surprised, he hadn’t even thought about going down that route but maybe he should definitely be considering it.
“What have you found?”
“Well I have been speaking to a young man named Donnie Wesley, his father owns the company and he says that a possible best solution to this would be to have a bodyguard around the kids. They’ll follow them wherever they go, to school, to the Pier, the Bait Shop. They’ll monitor everyone close by and keep an eye out for anything that seems dangerous. Their focus will be that one person, so they can be safe. Even when we’re not around.”
Neil thought about this for a second, it certainly sounded like a temporary solution.
“Any chance I can get a number?” Sandy chuckled and handed them their card. He had already sealed the deal with Donnie.


Ryan Atwood got out of his black, sleek Bentley. Company policy that the bodyguards drive the customer or object of protection in the best, attractive cars. Given the location to where the company was located, this meant the object of protection was someone rich. And most likely and arsehole in Ryan’s latest experience. He was fairly new to the company, at only twenty-four years old, he was one of the youngest bodyguards to have ever been employed by the company but he was one of the best and he’d worked hard to get where he was today. He was barely recognised as the boy from Chino anymore.
When Sandy Cohen called him, he couldn’t have been more pleased. He owed this man everything. When Ryan met Sandy, he was heading on the same path, his older brother Trey was. Prison. Sandy convinced him, supported him and made him believe that he could be better. That just because he was born in Chino, it didn’t mean it had to define his life. So, Ryan, who had kept constant contact with Sandy since he was fifteen years old, worked hard at school, got the best grades out of his year and began spending his life in the gym where he met his best friend, Donnie Wesley. The rest was history from there.
Sandy had called him telling him that some girl had been missing for a couple of weeks in Newport and that parents were getting worried, Donnie had already been signed on to protect Sandy’s lad Seth but apparently one of Sandy’s close friends was worried about his daughter. Ryan was thankful to Sandy, who had put in a good word to Neil about him.
He’d already met with Neil several times previously to discuss the situation with his daughter, Summer. They had both agreed that rather than Summer feel completely swamped, Ryan was only going to escort her somewhere and wait outside, or somewhere further away from her inside. They both agreed this was the best precaution to take until there was a further threat taken that would compromise Summer’s safety.
“Mr Atwood!” Neil greeted Ryan at the door, shaking his hand firmly.
“Mr Roberts. Nice to see you again.” He was all very conservative and proper but usually Ryan was a lot more quieter and shy when meeting with people he didn’t know all that well. Neil grinned.
“Please come in.” He stepped aside to allow the young man in. “I have to warn you, I just told my daughter and well…” He paused, dramatically. Slightly grimacing about the previous scene that had just taken place. “Lets just say, Summer didn’t exactly take the news of your arrival well.” Ryan frowned, now he was nervous. But then how scary could an eighteen year old girl really be?


The first thing that Ryan noticed about Summer Roberts was that she was beautiful. There was something that was shockingly beautiful about her but in a simple, classic way. Which in Ryan’s eyes simply made her even more beautiful.
She was not happy to see Ryan though, that much she could tell. Her face full of disdain, she looked at him as though he had intruded on something deeply important. He straightened up, not wanting to appear a slouch or crease up his suit.
He decided to wait for Neil to introduce them, something about the way the young woman was looking at him, told him that she would only bite his hand of if he dared to try and shake hers. He merely nodded at her with a slight smile.
Neil entered the room, trying to smile though knowing his daughter was ridiculously furious at him right now made it rather difficult for him.
“Summer. This is Ryan Atwood, he’s going to be watching out for you-“
“Stalking me, more like.” Summer sneered, looking the young man who was about invade her privacy up and down. She didn’t like him, for the pure fact that he was going to be following her around all the time. Though he was hot. Really hot, which kind of helped. But she still didn’t like him. Neil glared at his daughter but Summer merely glared back, she was hardly going to be put of by her father. Ryan gulped, she was most definitely going to be a handful.
“Summer. Be nice. Ryan, this is my charming daughter Summer.” Summer gave him a fake smile. Yep, definitely a handful. Ryan nodded again.
“Its nice to meet you, Miss Roberts.” Summer ignored him and turned away. Neil shuffled.
“Well…I’ll leave you two to get acquainted.” With that, the man hastily left the room. Summer waited a few moments, making sure her father was out of earshot before heading towards her supposed new bodyguard. She was a lot shorter than him and Ryan found that when he looked down at her, all he saw was her ample amount of cleavage that was on display. He cleared his throat.
“Let me get this clear, Atwood.” He wanted to chuckle at her use of his last name. “I do not need a bodyguard. I do not want a bodyguard and I am sure as hell not going to listen or make any note of your existence, you got that?”
Ryan looked at her, raising his eyebrow. Whilst he had never dealt with a teenage girl before, he had most certainly dealt with difficult people before, he figured she would be the type of person where his silence would most likely irritate her even more so. Summer humphed. She was going to make this so hard for him.
“This is not going to be easy. I am going to be the biggest pain in your ass, you might as well quit now.” This time, Ryan did laugh. He had never quit on anything in his life and there’s no way an eighteen year old girl was going to make him start now. “What are you laughing at!?” Summer asked furiously, when he refused to answer and stopped laughing, though he had a slight glint in his eye. Summer groaned. “I am gonna make this so hard for you.”
With that, Summer flounced out of the room which only caused Ryan to notice her tiny skirt she was wearing. That was considered clothing in Newport?
“You have no idea…” Ryan whispered to no one but himself.

pairing;luke/taylor, fic;the girl and the bodyguard, fanfiction, pairing;ryan/summer, fandom;the oc

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