Ryan/Summer II The Wedding

Mar 05, 2013 03:39

Title; The Wedding
Fandom; The O.C.
Couple; Ryan Atwood/Summer Roberts
Rating; M for sexual scenes.
Summary; Summer heads back to Newport for her best friend Taylor's wedding. Back home she reconnects with Ryan and some feelings occur as she prepares for the wedding. Luke/Taylor pairing, Marissa/OC. Slight mentions of Seth.
Author's Note; So I have no idea where this came from, i havent written and completed anything in a really long time! But this was surprising  Aha! Hope you like it anyway!


The Wedding
Summer Roberts parked her car up at the nearest gas station and headed into the little store. She needed a bottle of Coke. Pronto. Whoever’s idea it was for her to drive all the way from San Francisco back to Orange County was an idiot. Most probably, it was her. Her father had offered to spring for a plane ticket but Summer had of course insisted of driving, exclaiming how the views along the way relaxed her. She hadn’t planned for the exhaustion that came with it. Though nevertheless, here she was just minutes away from a place she hadn’t been to in over a year. Two years ago, she would never have imagined calling anywhere home but Newport but then Seth Cohen happened. Seth Cohen and some girl who apparently things Super-girl totally trumps Superman or something or whatever which apparently lead to a huge discussion and the loss of clothes. Nice.

Non-surprisingly Summer called off her engagement and got the hell out of there, she couldn’t stand the sympathetic looks anymore. She was only here because one of her best friends, Taylor Townsend was getting married. And no he wasn’t a part of a K-Pop band. Taylor had called her and effectively screamed at her down the phone with joy just minutes after the proposal. Summer had laughed, though a sinking feeling had formed she was nevertheless pleased for her friend. She had been instructed to head straight to Taylor’s house - not a single diversion was allowed - though the temptation to grab a bag of crisps or two was high, Summer was sure Taylor would somehow know.
She pulled into the driveway of Taylor’s very modest mansion that her mother had generously sold to her some years ago. She grabbed her suitcase and headed to the door, she hadn’t even made it to the first steps before the front door was thrown open and there stood Taylor Townsend in all her glory.

“Yayyyy!” She clapped her hands together and rushed down the steps. “You’re finally here, I’ve been waiting since 10am this morning!”  Summer looked confused.

“I called you last night to tell you I was leaving at 10am, Taylor!” She laughed and Taylor waved her off.

“Well yeah, but I wanted to be prepared!” Summer rolled her eyes and Taylor nudged her. “Come on inside, I’m so glad you’re here!” She grinned, linking arms with Summer whilst grabbing one of her many bags. She was here for a wedding after all.

As soon as she was inside the house, her best friend for like ever came heading towards her, wide-eyed with an expression that simply said ‘Help me’.

“Marissa!” Summer was so pleased see her friend. She hadn’t seen her in two years, her rare trips to Newport had always fallen when Marissa was partying on some Yacht or whatever. Marissa pulled her friend into a hug.

“Its been so long, Sum! Too long.” Marissa said, looking around for Taylor who seemed to have disappeared. “You have to help me. She’s insane.” Summer giggled.

“Come on, she cant be that bad. I mean, I know she’s Taylor and all that but-“

“No.” Marissa interrupted. “She’s really bad. She’s gone through three different wedding planners in two months! She needs help.”

“Oh God. Well, we always knew she was an insane one.” They both laughed together as Taylor returned.

“So, I’ve had Jean place all your bags in the guest room on the fifth floor, the one nearest the stairs. You have adjoining bathrooms with the guest room next to it but no one is staying here so its pretty much all yours.” Summer stared at her, not really paying all that much attention, she was too tired and just wanted to head to her room and clean. She knew however, there was no way she could do that. She had a wedding she needed to celebrate. “Oh, I’m just so happy you’re here!” Taylor suddenly exclaimed as she brought both Summer and Marissa into a bone-crushing hug.


Once Summer had freshened up, she made her way back downstairs only to hear many two distinctive male voices. No way! She though. She suddenly felt so giddy and excited at the prospect of seeing more friends. Luke she was expecting but Ryan, she hadn’t given a thought to. How stupid. She reached the bottom of the stairs to see the two men immersed in a conversation of football.

“You guys still haven’t outgrown that lame little game?” She teased, the two men turned around to see who their rude intruder was and quickly grinned at the sight of her.

“Summer!” Luke exclaimed, heading straight for her and grabbing her into a hug. “Feels like a million years since I saw you!” Okay, she got it…she’d been away for a while. Jeez. “Have you gotten taller?” He joked. Summer smacked him playfully on his arm, knowing full well that she hadn’t. She turned to the second man and for a brief moment felt all the air leave her lungs. She had known Ryan Atwood since she was fifteen years old. He was the best friend to her ex-fiancé. But never had ever felt a rush run throughout her whole body and was that fluttering in her stomach…butterflies? What the hell?

“Atwood.” She grinned, making movements towards her, he held out his arms, the same grin on his face as it was hers.

“Roberts, you ever gonna call me by my first name?” She chuckled.

“Wasn’t planning on it.” She said as she hugged him and held him close to her. She was just the right height to be able to rest her head on his shoulders, she noticed. He wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her into a hug, tightly. Summer knew that a minute longer she could have easily fell asleep in his arms. It’s the journey, she thoughts. Its was a long journey.

“So how long you here for?” Ryan asked, he was eager to know how long she was stopping round Newport for. Ever since Seth had, in his opinion, made the ridiculous mistake of losing Summer, she had always avoided him and truth be told, he really missed her. Summer shrugged.

“Just till after the wedding, I guess.” Ryan felt a little depleted. “Unless there is another reason for me to stay.” She had no idea where it had come from but when she looked at him and saw the small smile starting to spread, she didn’t regret it.


A couple of days had passed since Summer had made her arrival in Newport and she had spent everyday with Taylor, Luke, Ryan, Marissa and Jesus. He was Marissa’s new plaything apparently. The girls were just having their dresses fitted for the big day whilst the guys were enjoying a nice cold beer on the beach. Truth be told, Summer wanted the dresses to be done with so she could go join them. And not so she could just go spend some more time with Ryan. Since the group had effectively been paired off, Summer found herself with Ryan quite often, not that she was complaining but she was sure she wasn’t imagining all the flirting that was going on between them. She nearly pounced on him when he simply moved some hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ears.

Another moment when they were in the kitchen, he’s had pressed up against the kitchen counter as the messing around and for a split second, she thought he was going to kiss her. Most likely, she hoped that he was going to kiss her, he was probably nowhere near to that, Summer thought.

The girls headed down to the pier to find the lads, Luke and Ryan had been joined by Sandy and Kirsten who had brought a barbeque along with them and some picnic blankets. It had been such a long time that Summer had seen one of them, she felt that she needed to talk to them, hoping they didn’t dislike her at all for breaking things off with Seth.

“Everything okay?” She was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts some time later by Ryan. He sat down next to her on the sand and placed one hand on her arm in a comforting way. Summer smiled gratefully at him.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Its just…weird.” She paused and she searched for the right word. Ryan was silent for a moment as he glanced over towards Sandy and Kirsten. He looked back at Summer.

“You know, they don’t dislike you.” Summer quirked an eyebrow, he chuckled. “I mean it, I know you Summer and I know what you’re thinking. They were upset when things between you and Seth didn’t work out but that was his own stupid fault.” His voice went slightly sharp towards the end, Summer noticed. He looked at her, his eyes soft and Summer could feel herself melting. “I was so mad when I found out, I had to be taken to the Emergency room.” He lightly chuckled to himself.

“Why? What did you do?” Summer asked, desperately wanting to know. Ryan looked awkward for a second as he played with the sand with his fingers. He glanced at her, he knew there was no way out of this one now.

“When Sandy told me the real reason why you broke of his engagement…I may have hit him.” Summer gasped. “In the nose. And broke it.” Ryan grimaced at the memory. He wasn’t particularly proud of that moment, he had just felt this sudden rush of anger overcome him, how dare he treat Summer that way! He now realised that maybe he had reacted so strongly was because, well because he had feelings for her.
“That was you!” Summer exclaimed. She had visited Seth to collect the rest of her stuff and saw that his nose was broke, when she had asked questions, Seth had refused to answer. “I cant believe you did that!” She couldn’t help but burst into hysterics. “You know, I daydreamed about punching him in the nose so many times when I found out…when I saw his face, I’ve wanted nothing more than to shake the hand of the person who did it!” She suddenly held out her hand. Ryan laughed but took it anyway.

There was a small moment that passed as they both looked at each other, Summer had three freckles on her nose, Ryan noticed and her eyes sparkled when the Sun was reflected in them. He could see that both of them were subconsciously moving in closer to one another. Just as his lips were centimetres away from Summer’s own, hovering just above, he felt a soft inflatable ball hit him on the head, momentarily distracting him.

“Come on man! Lets go in the fucking ocean!” Luke exclaimed, his arm around Taylor, already dragging her in. They watched as Marissa began running in as well with Jesus, squealing as the water splashed around her. Ryan looked hesitantly back at Summer, desperately wanting the previous moment to return.

“Race ya!” Summer said as she shot up and began running. Ryan would be lying if he said his first instinct wasn’t to watch her small bum as she ran in her bikini.


Summer could feel someone behind her as she paddled in the water, she was just deep enough that she would be able to swim to the secluded area by the rocks. She and Marissa had found it in Seventh grade when they were trying to hide from lame boys that were attempting to hit on them. She was just about to turn around when someone suddenly wrapped their arms around her and picked her up, she squealed as he splashed around in the water.

“Ryan!” Summer yelled, pretending to be mad. As if she ever could be, he had the most adorable puppy-dog face. He shrugged and grinned, looking cuter by the minute.

“I couldn’t help it.” He edged closer to her in the water. “The temptation was too much to handle.” She was sure he was flirting with her, his eyes were looking at her suggestively, she was sure of it. She decided to play this for all she could. She pressed her body up against his, her wet bikini top creating a new sensation against his bare torso.

“Well I’m not sure I like it when you give in.” Ryan stilled for a moment, her words were saying she didn’t like it but her body was saying the complete opposite. He could feel himself hardening in his shorts, not to mention Summer’s nipples hardening against him. He pushed her into the secluded area, slightly worried for a second that she may push him away but she seemed to be following suit, never once breaking his gaze.

He pushed her up against the rocks, one hand next to her head, the other settling on her hip, slowly making its way down her thigh as he picked it up and wrapped it around him, pushing his erection into her. Summer felt her breathing hitch. Was this really happening? She had been dreaming of this since the night she had returned.

Ryan leant his head against Summer’s softly, he was never really one for flirting, in all honesty he was rather shy, especially when it came to girls but something about Summer just made him more brave, she created a bigger confidence within himself.

“There might be some temptations you like more than others.” He replied in a hushed tone, before giving her a chance to reply, he pushed his lips against hers softly, something inside him was slightly still afraid. Afraid of rejection. Summer kissed him back, hastily. His lips were a lot softer then she would have imagined, his hands slightly more rougher as they now had hold of both of her legs, now wrapped around his waist so that she could feel all of him. She was certainly impressed.

Ryan was currently her only support, she knew that if he were to let go, she would fall. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him as possibly close as she could, wanting to feel more of him, every inch of him possible. Ryan broke her way from her lips as he moved down to her neck, placing soft kisses as he inched closer to the valley of breasts. He pushed her against the rock, so that one hand could be free as it moved the thin material covering her chest. One hand needing one breast as he lowered his mouth to take the other. He sucked and licked as Summer moaned into his ear.

She bucked against him, wanting to feel him now. She didn’t care for foreplay that could come later - there was definitely going to be a later - but now she just wanted him inside her. She moved her hand down his chest, placing soft kisses on his neck and she lowered his shorts, freeing him. Ryan seemed to understand exactly what she wanted, understanding that they could spend more time getting to know each others bodies at a later date but now, now she just wanted to fuck him. He pulled the ties of her bikini bottoms, letting them fall into the water as she lay bare to him and in one swift moment, entered her.

Summer who hadn’t quite expected it so suddenly, let out a scream of pleasure as she threw her head back and slowly rocked into him. They both went at it frantically, the both of them placing desperate kisses on each other wherever they could. Ryan could feel Summer clench around him and knew she was close. He thrusted inside her harder and she came around him, letting himself go with her.

Ryan loosened his grip slightly as he continued to hold Summer in his arms, Summer breathing heavily into the crook of his neck. Ryan grinned.

“That was…” He began but Summer cut him off.

“Amazing.” She was still breathing heavily and she could hear Ryan chuckle. She lifted her head to look at him, as he moved her wet hair out of her face. She bit her lip but couldn’t contain the smile that was forming on her face.

“Definitely. You have no idea how long I’ve been thinking about doing that.” She flicked her head to the side, questioningly. He sighed. “There was a reason why I broke Seth’s nose.” She couldn’t help but giggle. He was so adorable. “So, what happens now.”

“What happens now is there’s a wedding.” Ryan looked confused, of course there was. Summer looked at him suggestively. “And what comes after a wedding is also a hell of a lot more sex.” She grinned as the pair of them leaned in for another kiss.

pairing;luke/taylor, fanfiction, fic;the wedding, pairing;ryan/summer, fandom;the oc

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