Third Strand * Action

Aug 16, 2011 18:12

[Perched on a swing at the playground, Rapunzel is about as forlorn as a girl can get. She has spent the day trying not to think of her mother ( Read more... )


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ch_rell47 August 16 2011, 23:11:29 UTC
[Ch'rell happens to be walking by the park when he notices a very unhappy looking child on the swings. Curious, he walks over to her.]

Excuse my intrusion, but is something wrong Miss?


lol SHREDDER!!! paintsthewalls August 17 2011, 00:56:59 UTC
Oh,'s nothing, sir. [She TRIES to look not-as-unhappy.] I was just thinking about going shopping? Maybe? For a new dress?


ch_rell47 August 17 2011, 01:03:30 UTC
[She is failing at it, and Ch'rell frowns sympathetically.]

Why would buying a new dress make you so unhappy?


paintsthewalls August 17 2011, 01:07:44 UTC
Oh, because Mother bought the fabric for this one last year and she told me so many times how hard she worked to save up the extra money just so I would have the extra-nice fabric and how perfect this fabric would be for my complexion because my complexion tends to get a little washed out in the wrong kinds of light and the light is ALWAYS wrong in the tower and she didn't want her daughter walking around looking like a little ghost all the time. It gave her the creeps.

[She has to take a rather deep breath after spilling all that to this stranger. Sadness seems to have trumped her stranger-danger warning signals today.]


ch_rell47 August 17 2011, 01:21:44 UTC
[...Well, she is a rather trusting one.]

And so your problem is that you do not want to replace this dress because of all the effort your mother put into it.

[Ch'rell summarizes, wondering faintly what kind of tower the girl is talking about.]

Your mother sounds like a charming person, would she mind so much if you got a new dress for yourself?


paintsthewalls August 17 2011, 01:55:43 UTC
Mother? Mother is very charming. Very smart and practical and beautiful, too, and someday I hope I can be like her but for now I need to figure all this out on my own.

And that's the trouble...I don't know what she'd think of it. She wouldn't want me to disgrace myself, though. So perhaps something...not TOO showy, of course...


ch_rell47 August 17 2011, 03:02:07 UTC
[If Ch'rell had any fatherly instincts, than they would have been activated by now. He has none however, yet he is capable of mimicking them. His smile carries warmth and amusement.]

Your mother has high expectations of you. I suppose I can understand that, I can be strict with my own daughter as well. There are many young ladies here in Luceti, perhaps they can help you select a dress, or help you make one. You seem like a practical girl, I'm sure that you'll do your mother proud.


paintsthewalls August 17 2011, 03:27:11 UTC
I--I HAVE to make her proud! She's given up so much for me! And she's kept me safe all these years from all the people who would want to...

[She stops, breathless, having nearly given herself away.]

I hope I can do her proud, sir.


ch_rell47 August 17 2011, 03:35:50 UTC
I'm sure you will. What is your name child?


paintsthewalls August 17 2011, 04:07:23 UTC
Rapunzel? [Why does she still say that name like a question when around people who intimidate her?] And yours, sir?


ch_rell47 August 17 2011, 04:20:44 UTC

[Having lived the life he has lived, he shouldn't really find anything too shocking. It would explain her abnormally long hair.]

Well, my name is Oroku Saki, you may refer to me as Saki if you wish. There is no need to be uneasy child, I will not harm you.


paintsthewalls August 17 2011, 04:27:39 UTC
[But Strangers are Scary. That is the equation that Mother Gothel has drilled into her head and which she has slowly been rethinking here in Luceti. She relaxes a little.]

Oh! No, I don't think you'll harm me, Mister Saki. I'm just not all that used to speaking with people. I'm not uneasy!


ch_rell47 August 17 2011, 05:14:54 UTC
[He can safely assume that Rapunzel has led a fairly isolated life. Isolation could equal ignorance, and he can see a use in that.

Stranger danger indeed.]

That is a relief, it makes me feel bad when others are uneasy of me for no reason.


paintsthewalls August 18 2011, 01:32:13 UTC
Oh! But that's not very nice of them! You look like a very good person.

[Now she feels guilty about her initial response and is trying to make up for it with compliments. Yes---her isolation has given her some major disadvantages when it comes to judging people at first sight.]

You wouldn't hurt a fly, I'm sure!


this is making me lol ch_rell47 August 18 2011, 03:06:55 UTC
Not it without provoking me first, let me assure you.

[He bows to her.]

Well, it has been nice meeting you Rapunzel. It would be rude of me to keep you any longer when I am sure that you have things you need to do.


XD paintsthewalls August 18 2011, 19:47:04 UTC
I'll do my best, Mister Saki. I'll try to pick out the dress that would make Mother most proud of me.


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