Jul 19, 2005 20:42
It was a long run of happy while it lasted. Now, I just feel like shit again.
Due to my Irish love affair, I have not been around much, and I have been far happier and having more fun than I can remember in a long time. I don't know what I would do without those girls this summer and I don't know what I'll do without them when it all comes to an end in a month. I'm genuinely upset about it and I don't want to think about it at all.
Mom has been ragging on me about never being home and I think they've been kinda odd about it. Tonight I came home, right from work, no delay at 233 4th Ave. or anything. No one welcomed me in, my sister came in the house packed a bag and left. My parents ignored me and ate dinner and drank tea and then left for Stone Harbor without even a question if I'd like to go. (Granted they're are being childish pissy about other shit too, but I'm so fucking tired of being treated like I'm 4!!!)
I am beyond frustrated at this point. My mom and dad are always saying that I have the control over my life and that I'm the only one who can live it. But as soon as they disagree with any of my decisions (whether they are rightfully upset or not is irrelevant)it all of the sudden my life including them. I don't think they have a right to act sour at me. Those decisions are mine to make, especially at 21 years old. I'm the one who is going to have to pay for it, not them. I'm the one who has to handle the repercussions and consequences of my decisions. I don't think any of it is their business at all. The only thing that they have any right to is whether or not I am being financially irresponsible with their money, that is the only way in which they support me, financially. And quite frankly, I can't wait to be able to handle that on my own because it's cramping my style.
In other news, my computer is turning more and more to crap as the days go by, and my phone I'm pretty sure took some of its last breaths today. I can't upload any music onto my ipod still because of that fucking cat. and I've pretty much been in a miserable mood all day and being home alone with this shit isnt helping anything. I could have fucking stayed in Cape Crap and at least had 7 people who love me around.
I actually still have Saturday off, which was a pleasant surprise, as I thought I was going to work 7 days straight with only 2 days off of doctors appointments to look forward to. Shelly is going up to Chicago this weekend, but Lou and Car will probably still come up to Avalon for a laugh on Friday night. (I hope so anyway...Saturdays are adventure days.) I really wish I had some Irish love right now.
PS Judy was my savior last night.