Nov 01, 2004 13:42
I have just received an email from my dad and it was nice in the beginning telling me about how he met my brothers girlfriend and he likes her and blah blah blah...but then he started another paragraph and it says last week he was in Nevada because it seems my grandpa is getting sicker. I'm really scared and I knew he was sick...but the fact that my dad went to visit makes it sound like he isn't going to make it. I don't know how to feel and I'm sitting in a room full of strangers and all I feel like doing is crying. I don't want my grandpa to suffer, but I don't want to lose him either. I don't know what would happen to my grandma either. I'm not sure what to do no matter what happens. If he dies should I fly home and ignore my father who has been telling me not to? I hate funerals. It doesn't help me mourn, but being with my family might. I don't know if I could actally handle to see my grandma right afterwards though. She isn't a very strong person. I just don't know what to do.
On other halloween was a lot of fun and consistened of being a killer lunch lady with my two other friends (brittany and val). We went to the Vic Halloween ball and before we went I had a bit of alcohol and was very tipsy and brittany was holding my hand the whole night. It was quite amusing...
I hope you guys had fun and Heather had a great birthday!!! and she got my present in time. i'll talk to you all later.