Sep 06, 2009 01:29
Hey guys, we hope you are still around because it is time for the first bi-weekly challenge in this community. What will happen is we give you a prompt, you write a fic (or fics) for that prompt, at the end of two weeks we put up a master post with the fics from the latest prompt and people vote. Voting will be open for a week and then results will be announced (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Mod's Choice).
If anyone is confused (cause I kind of am now), here is a breakdown for the first round
Sunday, September 6th - Round 1 prompt goes up
Sunday, September 20th - Round 1 prompt closes/Voting starts/Round 2 prompt goes up
Sunday, September 27th - Round 1 Results Announced
and the pattern will repeat for a few months :D
Now for the prompt:
Round 1 - Alternate Universe
Your fic must have an element of AU in it, anything from Katy and Kris never married to Kris and Adam are on a spaceship searching for Earth (it happens!). Here are some rules that need to be followed:
- All fics MUST BE Kris/Adam, either as friends, in a relationship, or somehow dealing with each other. Other characters/pairings are fine but fics must focus on them.
- All fics must be 500 words or more, there is no maximum however.
- All entries must be tagged with -round 1: AU.
- In the header information include the round prompt and how you used it (ex - Round 1 AU - No American Idol, Kris and Adam meet somewhere else)
Once again there are no limit on how many fics you can post or a maximum word count. The round ends on September 20th, 2009 at 11:59pm PST.
Good luck and happy writing!
!mod post,
!bi-weekly challenge,
-round 1: au