(no subject)

Dec 07, 2004 18:19

Fandom: CSI
Title: Somwhere Beyond the Sea
Author: Hoot aka faeryfroggy
Category: Basically PWP
Spoilers: None
Rating: R
Pairing: Grissom/Greg
Warnings: Male/Male, naughtiness on a boat
Summary: Grissom and Greg take a trip out on Grissom's boat during their California vacation.
A/N: Dedicated to uninhibitedmuse after watching Billy Petersen in the movie The Beast. That man is too damn good looking. As always, please please PLEASE give me feedback. Any flames will be used to warm up my tiny little apartment.

Cross posted to - csi_slash, grisslash, akuma_no_trill, and my own journal. That said, read on.

“Greg, you really should put some clothing on.”

The sound of his lover’s voice had Greg lifting his head to look at him. The older man was standing in the sun, causing Greg to squint to make out his outline. “Why should I? We’re in the middle of no where. No one is going to care. Besides,” Greg returned to his back, arms folded under his head, “you really need to lighten up. We’re on vacation.”

Grissom looked down at him, a look of barely disguised amusement on his face. “You’re going to get sunburn.”

“No tanlines, baby.”

At a loss for words, Grissom dropped down on the deck beside Greg’s towel, looking out over the water. He couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. The water was calm and there was not a cloud in the sky. A cool breeze was going, but the sun was warm. Grissom looked down at his naked lover. As soon as they dropped anchor, Greg had stripped and stretched out on the towel. He brought to mind a lizard bathing itself on a rock.

“Why don’t you strip and join me here?”

Greg’s voice brought Grissom from his thoughts. For a moment, he wasn’t sure if this was another of Greg’s teases. A glance to his face told him Greg wasn’t kidding. He looked out over the water again. They were far from land and there wasn’t a sign of any other boats. What the hell. You only live once right?

Grissom pushed to his feet and pulled the t-shirt over his head and tossed it to the deck. Shorts and boxers soon joined the pile. When he looked down at Greg, he found the younger man watching him. But with the sunglasses, he couldn’t quite see the look in his eyes.

He settled onto the towel again. Onto his back he went when Greg was suddenly straddling him, attacking his lips with his own. Grissom wouldn’t have been able to argue even if he wanted to and hell there was no way he was going to argue.

The skinny lab tech had him pinned, hips grinding against his. A groan was lost in that kiss. Grissom was already hard and aching. He had a feeling that Greg wasn’t going to let him get off so easily. Greg smelled of sunscreen, tasted like the exotic fruit drinks he had made earlier in the day. As if Greg wasn’t intoxicating enough.

The wiggling and squirming had Gil close to losing his mind. He cursed, dug his fingernails into Greg’s ass. “Tease.” The accusation was growled out.

Greg laughed and rewarded Grissom on his neck. Hard, though not hard enough to break the skin. He knew how the old man felt about hickeys. “Patience old man. You’ll get what you want.” Greg leaned over, reaching for the bottle of lotion. That damn smirk was painted on his lips. The one Grissom had imagined kissing away during those long nights at the lab.

The hands that had captivated Grissom on so many nights, slicked him up with the lotion. Hips lifted, pressed into those deft hands. The hands that teased and gave so much pleasure. Gil’s mind cleared long enough for him to realize that Greg was on his back, giving his lover his best ‘come hither’ look. There was no way he could resist. He was on him in the blink of an eye, settled between Greg’s hips. A wild, demanding kiss and he pushed into Greg’s body without hesitation.

For a few long, agonizing moments, Grissom remained still. He watched the play of emotion over Greg’s face. Only when the lab rat began to whimper and lift his hips in earnest did Grissom move. Slow, steady grinding of hips. Something in the back of his mind pushed him on, urged him to take more. Possess. He pushed that voice away. He wanted to savor the moment, savor Greg. Revel in the feel of him in his arms, pressed under his body. Skin was already slick from suntan lotion and too much time in the sun.

I never thought sunscreen could be an aphrodisiac.

“Gil…Gil…please, God.”

Greg was pleading with him and it drove him to the edge. Finally, he let his mind go. Gave Greg what he begged for. Fast and hard, cock buried deep inside brushed the bundle of nerves that would send his young lover close to the edge.

Greg’s hips pushed up, stars exploding in front of his eyes when Grissom hit home. The words that fell from his lips made no sense, but he knew his point would get across. Harder, faster, deeper, more, more. Greg demanded it of Gil and knew he would get what he asked for. And more. Grissom wouldn’t deny him the pleasure they both wanted so badly.


Gil smiled when Greg came, took him under for another soft, loving kiss. His time soon came. It was a miracle at his age he could keep up with him at all. His body shuddered and he rode out his orgasm. Finally, his body stilled and he settled down, half on and half off Greg. Skinny arms wrapped around him. Loose, boneless.

Face pressed against Greg’s neck. The brush of beard had the young man giggling and batting at his shoulder. “Offa me ya big lug.” But he didn’t push Gil and when he felt the other man moving, he pulled him back down. “Kidding.”

Grissom lifted his head to look down at him, smiling like a complete idiot. Out of character for the normally stoic shift lead. He was doing a lot of things out of character for him since getting involved with Greg Sanders. “I think this is the best vacation I’ve ever had.”

“Glad I could be of service.” Greg tried for a cheeky smile, but it ended up lazy. He was too worn out to bother.


“I know, Gil.” Greg knew what Grissom wanted to say. What he had only said a few times before. In all honesty, he didn’t need those three little words. He saw them in Grissom’s eyes. The way he looked at him. The way he was looking at him that moment.

He realized the sun was setting. A little nudge to Grissom and he slid free, leaving him feeling a little hollow. Grissom stretched on his back and Greg snuggled up. They laid there for the few remaining hours of the day, watching the sun settle on the horizon. Soon, Grissom would return them to port and they would spend the rest of their vacation on land. At least out on the ocean he could make believe they were a normal couple. Not two crime scene investigators.

Grissom pressed a kiss to the side of Greg’s head, smiling as the last rays of light faded away. A perfect moon over the water. “Let’s eat before heading back inland.”

Greg let Grissom pull him to his feet and lead him down into the cabin. They never did get to dinner.
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