(no subject)

Sep 24, 2004 12:47

Title: Unrequited - Part 1
Fandom: CSI (original)
Rating: G
Pairing: will be Grissom/Greg
Warnings: None
Summary: Can Greg keep his secret?
Notes: For uninhibitedmuse since we now share the CSI fandom and both <3 Grissom/Greg. This is my first foray into CSI ficwriting. Be kind.

It's a scientifically proven fact that Greg Sanders is incapable of keeping a secret. Greg's the type of person who gets so excited about knowing something that he has to tell someone. Of course, after he tells someone, it always gets back to the person who isn't supposed to hear it. Many surprise parties have been ruined because of Greg. Now, as a rule, no one tells Greg anything.

But what happens when Greg is the one with the secret? And what if he can't even tell it to anyone in confidence? He was sure that he was obvious, though. They all knew. They all had to know. After all, he's not good at keeping secrets.

Maybe one person didn't know. The object of his affection. The older man usually couldn't see past whatever case he was currently working on. He was single-minded like that and it was annoying. Really really annoying.

So one night, Greg made up his mind to follow the man home. Ok, so maybe that wasn't the best of ideas, but what else was he going to do?

He didn't bet on falling asleep in his car, though. And he certainly wasn't expecting that knock on the driver's side window. The face staring at him from the other side had him wishing for a hole to open and swallow him up. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

"Greg...what are you doing here?" Came the question when he rolled the window down finally.

"I..." pause "...got nothin'." Yes, it was lame. Greg was more than aware of that fact.

The man gave something akin to a long-suffering sigh. "Greg, go home."

Greg tried to work up an arguement in his head, but nothing was forthcoming. He ended up staring at the man until he waved a hand in front of his face.

"Are you feeling all right, Greg? Maybe you should take tomorrow off."

He shook his head. "No. No, I'm fine, thanks. See you tomorrow." He rolled his window and drove off, leaving a confused Gil Grissom behind.

"Unrequited love sucks."
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