Feb 16, 2010 22:54
Oh. Hah hah hah. Very funny, Admiral. You're a real barrel of laughs.
IRENE ADLER. Guess who gets to be your Warden? Yep. It's me, precious, and don't pretend for a second that this is gonna be some kind of pleasure cruise, 'cause it ain't. And since we already know each other, how 'bout I give you a twenty minute warning before I come down there to discuss this file I'm holding in my hands right now.
Time starts... Now.
[!] the awkward has landed,
[verse] lastvoyages,
[!] gabe discusses the issues,
[!] screw you admiral,
[!] stupid sexy inmate,
[!] gabe has his sheriff hat on,
[!] and they let this guy be a warden