Oct 23, 2006 23:35
Today was awesome. Wait on the Lord, and do not doubt, because when He comes through, you will be SO ashamed for even beginning to doubt Him.
Went to work. My boss is on vacation. I have been assisting her with marketing stuff. My title is technically admin Assistant, but thats not really what i do. I do the companys marketing work.
This morning an engineer ran up to me and told me I have to put a proposal togethre for Pinellas County by this Friday - meaning I have to do it by myself. a little Admin Assistant girl doing the compnays marketing work. thats God. I will be a marketing associate soon, God has promotion for me, and Im taking it. God is so awesome! SO awesome!
My coworker took me to Cheesecake Factory for lunch (wooooo LORD that was a blessing, it was SO good!) it was a $60 lunch...
then she calls me later and says, I want to help with ethans birthday - lets make sure he has a party at Chuck E Cheese. Like whoa. I have been praying because I have enough money to get a cake and maybe one present - but not no Chuck e Cheese party. I told her that, and she said, "No hes going to have a party at chuck e cheese. We'll talk more about it tomorrow."
provision, promotion, blessing..... God is so amazing! Jesus is Lord, and there is no salvation in any other name but the name of Jesus Christ.