Mulling things over

Oct 14, 2006 23:59


I saw hands holding a rod of straw

the straw melted

And it turned into a rod of gold

**I have seen this twice in the past 2 weeks

rod = Psalm 23:4 - Hebrew meaning of the word rod: a stick for punishing, writing, fighting, ruling, walking; pretty much represents power and authority.

Straw = spoken of in 1 Cor 3:12 - speaks of the lowest level of man’s works - also referred to as stubble; speaks of works that would be burned by fire and not last.

Gold = spoken of in 1 Cor 3:12 - speaks of the highest level of works that can be done - speaks of works that would be burned by fire and would stand through anything.

My power and authority level lately has been about like straw or stubble; easily bent, broken or burned.

I feel that and recognize that - there has been so much resistance and suddenly everything I must do, I hate doing and don’t want to do, and so have not done much of a good job at it. Like being in a slump in work, for example.

But the straw melts, as if by heat. So by the heat of this trial God has me in, all these works of straw pass away and become as gold.

I can feel that inside, that rising up in me, that throwing of myself into my life to try my hardest and stop being such a spectator holding everything at arms length. I always kind of dissociate a little, and just watch, while interacting little, and observing much. Now is not the time for this, I believe this season calls for my singlehearted, focused attention to each task I am called to do. Raising Ethan. Working at my job. Writing on the side. Being a teacher in the nursery. God is causing what is inside of me to come out. I am so glad.
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