Hey, all.
I've mostly been lurking around LJ, partially because I have nothing terribly creative to say, and partially because I'm lazy. But I figured, since people have started poking me again to see if I'm alive, I might as well update.
In short.
My IC's back, but life's okay in the short periods of rest it permits in between episodes.
I'm going to the states for a Renaissance faire sometime in July, and going to visit my sweetie in August.
School starts again in September, and I've got some decent courses lined up.
Critters are decent enough, I suppose.
I've been doing a fair bit of reading lately, thanks to those who have been showering me with books. ^_^
I haven't felt artistically inclined overmuch until last night, where I actually made use of my insomnia.
In keeping with the aformentioned topics... here we go. :P
Life had been pretty decent, until from the return of the Interstitial Cystitis symptoms. Until that point, we had thought my trigger was aluminum, and it's entirely possible that it still is. It's also entirely possible that aluminum is not my only trigger. I just need to find out what that might be. So, I'm back to the ol' diet of mostly starches, removing as much acid and oxalates and other irritants from my diet as possible. Of course, that means no fun stuff, like tea, or pickles, or peanut butter, or aged cheeses, most fruit, or juice, etc. I'm living on potato, unseasoned chicken, rice, milk and water. Sometimes I get daring and make a sandwich with turkey breast and havarti cheese.
The caffiene-withdrawl headaches are finally starting to subside, thankfully.
I try to keep quiet about this, mostly because I feel like a giant, wet blanket. Arthur's been making a valiant effort to keep my spirits up, regardless of how grumpy I may be. :P
Oh, yeah. That's likely another important detail some are out of the loop about :P
I'm presently romantically involved with a sweet n' shy fellow by the name of Arthur.
I always love telling the story of how we met, because it makes me feel just a little bit geeky ...
We met in WoW. PvPing, of all things. We've known eachother for almost a year now, and spent most of our early friendship just chatting, shooting the breeze, grouping, occasionally killing Horde. One thing led to another, and later (I can't remember the exact date because I'm a heel), came the blush-y, stumble-y "I kinda really, really like you" speeches on both ends.
We're approaching (around?) our 4th month together, and on that front, I'm absolutely blissful.
Of course, the downside is that he lives 3000 miles away. :P
We make up for the spatial gap by talking in Ventrilo or on Skype, and just hanging out in WoW.
Sooo, I'll move on before I start giving people cavities...
The Renaissance Faire should be enjoyable - provided I'm feeling at least moderately better. There are only a couple of additions I'm looking to make to my various costumes. One of which is a pair of boots - my moose-hide ones, while pretty, were the reason I fell down the stairs several months back and dislocated my shoulder. The don't fit properly, and are not suited for running in because they're always flopping around my ankle.
Boots, and possibly little details. I might see if I can find ideas for a new corset, since the old one has a big silver zipper down the middle (bleh!) and its boning is bent such that it digs into and bruises two of my right ribs.
I might take a light load this year for classes, considering that I'll have all of the required credits in doing so. I don't really feel like putting unrequired strain on myself for the sake of being a keener. I can't recall which ones I signed up for, and I think I'm still locked out of MUGSI and SOLAR until they finish arranging schedules. I was really, really irritated at the lack of 'traditional' English courses, and the apalling shortage of Cultural Studies and Critical Theory. Bleh!
That, and the course calendar - the thing that is supposed to tell you what is offered that year - was not printed until AFTER the last date for registering, forcing is to use the online one, which contained courses that were not offered, AND there were courses listed as available in the selections that had no descriptions. MRGH.
Most of the critters are doing well, save for Maynard and Mercrius. June 16th was a sad day for all parties involved (including Arthur, who was here for a visit). Kabuki had stopped eating and stopped taking treats. His face was covered in the rat equivalent of phlegm, he was drooling, hardly moving, and making sad little wheezing sounds when he breathed. We took him to the vet, where it was discovered that he had a rather large tumour in his lower abdomen - hidden in his flubbery fat. We put him to sleep, and since then, have been trying to get Maynard and the other three boys to get along.
No such luck. Maynard keeps trying to establish himself as the "top rat", and Fratley won't have any of it.
So the little lonely rattie is losing weight and looking rather morose. I take him out often, and he sits in my lap contentedly while I do whatever - play WoW, read, draw - but as soon as I put him back, he returns to sulking.
Sad rattie is sad.
Merc's losing weight again, with discharge from her eyes to show that more dental work is likely on the radar.
Everyone else is fine, though. The fat sisters are fat, dumb and happy. Freya's a little perky princess who knows precisely which buttons to mash to get treats and scritches from her human underlings.
The girl rats are crazy little monkeys, and the fat boys are fat and jolly.
Since I've started being unwell again, I picked up a few books that people have given/loaned to me over the past year.
The list includes:
- The Caverns of Socrates: a really neat mesh of fantasy and sci-fi. The author REALLY did his homework for this one. It poses a lot of existential questions about the nature of human intelligence, and contrasts it with AI.
- Guards! Guards!: My first Terry Pratchett book, and it was full of lols! A skilled author - but beware of the puns :P
- The Last Light of the Sun: Okay, so I already read this one. I read it again, because it's THAT good. Do you like vikings? Do you like faeries? Do you like HOMGAMAZING CAMPAIGN SETTINGS, characters with depth that show growth and development? Well. Best get reading, because Guy Gavriel Kay has about a zillion books, and they're all superb. :P
- Sailing to Sarantium: Another G.G. Kay novel ... I can't even begin to describe how freaking fantastic this author is. It's one of two novels in the series, and it's sooooooo good. I could hardly put the book down.
Right now I'm working on the Lord of Emperors, by, you guessed it, Kay again. It's the sequel to the above novel.
Look! A transition!
And now, as promised, the product of last night's sleeplessness. I tried to keep things simple, in part because I was tired, and in part because it's supposed to reflect a certain lack of complication.
I'll be starting up work again soon, and hopefully I'll be feeling better for that. ._. Ugh.
So. Yeah.