Cross-posted from FB.
It's Tuesday April 14th, 2009.
Music's playing (Seabound - Souldiver)... Patch 3.1.0 is downloading rather slowly on my two WoW-capable computers. While I curse my firewall (and lack of computer savvy) feebly, and take a break from studying the likes of Thomas Hardy, Joseph Conrad and many others, I've decided to jump on the window bandwagon.
Much like a certain Jamie, I had a great deal of difficulty with the Johari window. The idea of pinning one's self into the narrow categories of things like 'calm', 'introvert', 'extrovert', 'powerful'... well, it's hard. I don't really identify with a lot of the concepts.
It should have stuff like 'pensive', or 'cautious', or 'private'... Those all have different emotional connotations from 'introverted', or 'shy', or 'self-aware'.
So, without further tarring:
Chinburd's Johari Window The Johari window took me a good 15 minutes to mull over, and at least two of the results were selected because "Well, I guess that's kinda like me..." seemed like the best option.
With the Nohari window, within seconds, I had a whole array of faults and flaws glaring up at me with poignant familiarity. I had to neglect no few of them in the wake of the more appropriate selections. I almost made a second one, so that I could contain them all.
Perhaps 'self-critical' should be in there somewhere. It'd save some keystrokes.
Chinburd's Nohari Window Let me know what you think.