HEYA people! As you mighthave noticed, I've been to Stockholm. And now, I BRING PHOTOS!
Lina, Molly and me in Stockholm...
Suddenly we spot... a sign that says... Saturn Return...
Do we really have the courage to enter? O_O;;
HAHA XD We totally did, but I have no picture of the inside ^^ It was a cyber-store...
Damn... my eyes still hurts XD
Then... suddenly... We spot something even cooler... could that be?
It's KANA!
Isn't that just the coolest! *_*
Stövling posing with Kana~~
At Buttericks, Daisy is trying some glasses XD *shhh* Don't tell her I posted these!
XD I love the batman ones!
Me and Stövling the next morning...
Wiiie, JOIN US! : DDD
*sob* all alone in this cruel world!
I'm posing with issue 22 of GLB and showing off my new shirt...
┏(_д_┏)┓Over and out~