I've packed my bags and OFF I GOOOO~♥

Feb 26, 2007 10:21

I need more sugarrrrrr
┏(_д_┏)┓(←this smiley rocks my existance!)

HAPPY-GOOD-MORNING TO MY FRIENDS!♥♥ Today it's a good day.

Tomorrow, yours truly is going to the Capital of Sweden to go see a 香奈-MOON- live!
I'm excited! I'M GOING!( ゚▽゚)/ I'll be back on Thursday.

Before I go I must tell you that Yuu said the cutest thing in his blog;;
"Ah, at the oneman before and yesterday as well there have been Atelier Yuu-CHOMU Cos-san, right!?
Seeing them made me happy (*love*)

Yeah, I've seen you (*giggle*)"

OK, NOW I'm off for real XD
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