WEAK? hmm..whats does that mean?

Mar 31, 2005 22:19

TONITE WAS FREAKIN' AWESOME- WE BEAT NORTON 2-1* :) they said we was the wakest we've ever been..but what exactly does weak mean? cause I'm purdy sure we beat em' - everyone played really good - and it was a good game- I'm so glad we beat them- I wanted to beat them more than anybody else- ..well I didn't do too good 1 for 3 again- but I got my hit when we needed it most..so thats all that matters- i guess- but there ain't know I in team..we won b/c of everyone- we struggled a lil' in the beginning but who cares..we came back and got em' - GOOD GAME LADIES- I love Yall- Danii- you done good tonite..keep up the good work kido* LOVE YA :)

a..* well this week has - S U C K E D -

I had a game Tuesdy against Appy- we won 4-0 * yEah- :) I didn't have too good a game.. i went 1 for 3* but i ain't worried bout it we WON-

Wednesday was GOOD- it was miCah and i's 7 month- we went and ate Japenese..even tho I ain't real big on it- but its what he wanted so I ate it anyways- then layed round here for awhilE- he's been so sweet lately- I just love spendin time w/ him- he makes so happy :) HES PERFECT- :)

well..This weekend ain't lookin to Good- well okay- maybe it is- except prac. tomar- I hope its pretty so we prac early- but Micah's mommy and daddy are goin out of town so ya No= :) haha- i'm excited- my weekend should go very well ;) hehehe- Saturdy- i hope to go shoppin- and get some new clothes- I need shorts and a skirt- :) or I could just wear that one right Danii/Darc?? haha- NO - don't know bout SAtury nite- who knows ? Sundy- prolly actually go to CHURCH i really need to..- but I'll update bout all that later-

Love yALl-

I know it was sucky update..but my lifes not to much fuN-
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