Babelfishing Poetry: "We Are Not Blenders"

Dec 11, 2020 00:13

Babelfishing Poetry: "We Are Not Blenders"

Hello? How are you?  Hope you're very well, fine, and dandy.  I have been trying to hang in there while dealing with doctor/medical issues.  While I wait for yet another phone call to be returned, let's enjoy some more Babelfishing poetry, where I take song lyrics, run them through an on-line translator such as (but not necessarily) Babelfish, scramble the punctuation a bit, and wind up with a quirky kind of poem.

This week's song comes from San Francisco funk-metal band Primus:  "Jerry Was A Race Car Driver" (watch video here; actual song begins around 0:33)  Enjoy. 

We Are Not Blenders

Fire is still human!

It is illegal to marry and marry.
Rabbit criticism, I thank you.
We are not blenders.

You must be a married car.
"There is a lot of action," he said.
The result is beautiful.
Lady chat rooms reported Mrs. Fusama.

Pumps for engines.
3 currently in operation.
On the money!
Who is the man of all the disciples?

Power perforation.
He commands the heart of the hero.
And just a way of moving fast and bringing him to his arms
65 years ago.

Ceramic pot!
Usually a dog!

The car is already running
22 years.
Many gods in the goth tonight,
and the phone turned around.


babelfishing, poem

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