Byxbee Park
Because Sunday was such a beautiful fall day (and because this may be our last chance to enjoy such a lovely day prior to his hip replacement surgery), D. and I got out of the house and visited
Byxbee Park. Here are some of the pics I took.
Someone dumped a mess of snack food on the ground at the edge of the parking lot.
The view across the marsh toward the Bay.
Heading up the trail.
The movement of the Windwave sculpture traces the movement of the waves in the water of the Bay.
We are under the flight path for Palo Alto Airport and see lots of small planes coming in to land.
Coyote brush is full of floofy seed heads.
A look down Mayfield Slough.
Not all air traffic overhead is small planes. A Korean Air 777 heads toward San Francisco International to land.
A northern harrier cruises over the hillsides, relying on its sense of hearing to find small rodents, rabbits and songbirds to eat.
Milk thistle floof.
A small gopher snake lies on the trail, probably dropped by a hawk that had caught it.
More small planes heading toward the airport.
A shoveler duck in Mayfield Slough, and an American wigeon in the slough.
White pelicans in Mayfield Slough.
Unlike their cousins the brown pelicans, white pelicans do not dive to catch fish, but instead swim in small circles to corral fish between them.
The dried seed heads of sage line the trail next to the marsh.