Interior desecrations

Mar 06, 2008 13:18

Well, we are the proud conditional owners of a new (very brown) house that, all going well, we won’t be driven out of at 5am one day by homicidal neighbours! (Raising success by lowering expectation.) We’re very pleased and VERY RELIEVED that we got an independent valuation, as it came in much much lower than the asking price. Like, $40k lower. So if you’re buying a house, I can fully recommend spending $500 on a valuation - it saved us $10k yesterday, as we’d have gone a fair bit higher in order to get the place. We feel like the house was made for us, small though it is. So full steam ahead with LIMs and solicitors, and on April 17th we'll have a new home!

In other, far geekier, news, a friend of mine told me that his brother-in-law is barcoding his personal library. How COOL is that?! Very cool, that’s how cool it is. I want to do that really quite badly. And especially as the new house is too small for my bookshelves, I’ll want to know what’s in storage. And for all you parade-rainers out there, yes I could just write all the titles down, but this seems much more fun.

books, home

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