I actually created this...

Apr 21, 2008 01:56

It's 1:00 AM and I drank an energy drink and I am still awake, so ha!

1.) What's your sign?

Gemini. And I am a textbook case.

2.) Who do you live with?

My husband, several hundred stuffed animals, and a 3ft toy skeleton that hangs in our living room.

3.) What color is your telephone?

Black and, um, sort of a graphite silver color.

4.) How long it been since you have used a telephone book?

A couple weeks. We were looking for places that deliver in our town.

5.) How many credit cards are in your wallet?


6.) Have you ever had a sinus infection?

Yes, many times, and they suck.

7.) What color are the dishes in your kitchen?

Green. Everything in my kitchen is green. But not that harsh dark green, more of a lime color.

8.) Do you have a 2008 Calendar? If so, what photos are featured on your calendar?

I have a Family guy calendar. My birthday is in June, and my favorite character, Quagmire, is June's pic.


9.) Dogs or cats? Why?

Both. Well, I love kitties but I am allergic so maybe I should say dogs.

10.) Cats or kids?

Cats. I hate to say that I just don't have the patience for kids.

11.) What is on your mousepad?

I have a Red Dwarf mousepad! Hooray!

12.) Have you ever gotten a parking ticket?

Yep. :P Asshole cops.

13.) Bathroom reading material?

I have a copy of the Star Trek Technical Manual for the NCC-1701D in my bathroom.


14.) Would you rather have free Netflix for a year or be able to go to the movie theater free for a year?

I think I would go with the theater - would get me out of the house, and it is kind of fun when you don't have to worry about how damn expensive it is.

15.) Jay or Silent Bob?

Well, my body type is more Silent Bob, and I am working on not talking so much, so Silent Bob!

16.) College alumni?

Lower Columbia College, class of 2010 (Gods willing!!)

17.) Monkeys or giraffes?

Wow. Tough choice. Giraffes, I think. Monkeys fling poo.

18.) Zune or iPod?

Zune baby! I have a 30GB Zune that is almost filled up and she is my baby! Mrowr. I love technology.

19.) Have you ever purposely trolled the internet? (Ex: posing as some fake person just to stir some shit up on a message board, website or chatroom.)

Once or twice, like, 10 years ago. It gets old, fast. For people who are mature, at least.

20.) TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, or ENT?

TNG. ^____^ ((Look it up if you don't know.))

quizzes, memes

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