
Feb 07, 2009 08:08

Yeah, it has been a while and all that.

Let's see...

Got our internet back (ish) in January.  Started back to school the first week in January.  I was going to be taking an integrated studies class (english and biology) and math 92.  Well, the integrated studies class is an insane amount of work, so I dropped the Math class and took up a throwaway elective instead.

Anyhow, this class is insanity, it is difficult (there are 4 textbooks!) and the two instructors are really sort of unorganized and stuff.  Anyhow, it is a really time-consuming class and I am so looking forward to winter quarter being over.  It is already almost midterms, believe it or not!  So that is a big reason why I haven't been posting at all.

Let's see - husband and I are still doing well together - we celebrated 5 years together on January 24th.  We have been really enjoying the time we have been spending together.  He is going to start school at LCC as well - he starts in early April, Spring quarter.  We've decided that we are definitely moving back to the Seattle area when I finish my AA degree.  Looks like that might be in spring of 2010.  I have talked to my advisor and that would be the best thing to do - there are more opportunities for a better degree up there.  We still have to figure out how we are going to afford living there, but we will figure it out.  There's just not much for us here...

Let's see, recently went to the doctor and found out that I might not have kidney disease after all.  It is looking more like something called interstitial cystitis, an illness that is common to people like me who have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome.  I will have to see a urologist when we can afford to get back up to seattle.  I do all my doctor's appointments up there now, it is just not worth it to deal with the under-paid, ignorant quasi-physicians that they have down here.

Nicholas is still doing great - no complications from his surgery and he is as fit as ever.  We are still trying hard to excercise and eat right, but it can be so damn hard in the wintertime.  The cold just goes straight to my bones, and I never want to get out of the house!

Speaking of a cold, Nicholas and I both caught one when we were in Seattle last weekend.  I was trying to make an emergency appointment with my doctor, but the train we were taking was 4 hours late so I missed that appointment and had to schedule one for teh following monday.  Go to google news and type 'kent train crash' and you will be able to see pics of the train crash that was one of the delays we faced.  Thank gods we were not on that train, we were on the passenger train that was right behind the freight train.  It hit a car-carrying truck and one of the cars became lodged in the engine. One of the craziest things I have ever seen in my life.  Chilling.

Let's see ... we had a cat, a beautiful angel of a cat for about 4 days, but my allergies couldn't take it. She was a stray that we rescued from the street and we thought that I would be able to handle having a cat, now that I am on three separate allergy medications.  But still, I almost had an anaphylactic reaction to her and she had to go.  We took her to a shelter that is hopeful she will get a good home very soon.  It's hard, giving up having pets because of my allergies.  Sometimes it is hard to cope with all that I have had to give up because of my various physical challenges.  This integrated studies class I am in is the first one where I have experienced being thought of as 'different' because of my physical limitations.  It is getting better, but there were times during the first few weeks when the whole class looked shocked that I could say something intelligent - I think they assumed I was mentally handicapped as well as physically.  Screw 'em.  I have had such a hard time making friends here on campus.  It is probably just as well because I am going to be going back to Seattle in another year or so anyhow.

Alright, I feel as though I have written a book.  Almost all of it inconsequential.  But I hope that everyone is well and that things are happy out there....
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