Well, my recent job search has finally paid off! I had been waiting on two potential employers and I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I was presented with offers from BOTH of them! I ended up accepting an offer for a position with light recruiting over the offer that was for heavy duty (read: potential for stress) recruiting. I'm so super excited. I think everything that has happened over the last month was stressful/upsetting, but completely worth it in the end. Now I get this great job at this completely awesome place (I'll be working for the temp agency Adecco, working as an on-site recruiter at Allergan...a pharmaceutical company...the guys who created Botox!). I'll be starting either on Wednesday or Thursday; I'm waiting to hear how the firing goes (I'm replacing someone who's not working out). I'll be making more money than I've ever made before!!! I know this is the right thing for Andrew and me because in making that much money, we'll be able to get to NYC so much sooner. It feels great knowing that I got offers for both places and that I'll be starting a new endeavor soon! Andrew and I will be going shopping tonight, since this is the place that requires a suit, and I only have one right now!
In weekend news: Andrew and I had a great time this weekend. The Birthdayness yesterday was really fun and I think everyone had a great time. Saturday night was super sweet because Andrew surprised me with a night out at Melting Pot for our 2 month-iversary of marriage! It was really nice and very yummy. I got a pink rose and a card from the staff at Melting Pot, too! (Note to anyone planning an event there: tell them when you make your reservation because they'll do special stuff for you like that. I had no idea, but it was really sweet). Andrew and I realized during our meal that it was very appropriate to have our two month-iversary at Melting Pot. We had our two month-iversary of dating there, too! We did a special night for our two month because I had finals during our one month so we couldn't do anything. So it was completely appropriate to have our 2 months of marriage celebrated there too.
Anyway, feeling great about the new job and getting to NYC and being married and all that jazz!