So close

Apr 10, 2008 11:27

 Well the day of our wedding is still aways off and with everyday that gets closer to it makes me wonder what the future holds with Wendi and I. Every day that goes by brings new things to light as to why I love her more and more. From the way she looks to me for information about particular shows we watch to the way she asks to have her food cooked.
Now I know some people try and be "nice" and say they like things when they really don't but she so far as I know has been very honest about my cooking to minor habits. We haven't had a real argument as of this particular time but thats because when a problem arises we figure out who is going to address it and it gets taken care of by that person.
I know with the con coming up she is concerned about not really having friends with in the staff like I do but I keep telling her all she has to do is kinda jump in,  its what I did when I started working it and they caught me and brought me into the fold that is now my second family, soon to be my third.
Though there are some rough areas for us to work out and patch up here and there. I know that the "honeymoon" phase normally ends but if things keep going the route they are, one can only hope and play the cards right,  we should have one really long honeymoon after the wedding :D
My son is the only thing prior to us getting together that concerned me. But when she moved here and he and her have gotten along very well. True she doesn't want to be a mom and doesn't fell comfortable being one to him, as he is only 2 and she is use to dealing with kids a little older, she has definitely impressed me in how she interacts with him and such when she does.
In closing I would like to say to you Wendi that I love you more than anyone I have ever been with and would willing take your place if it ment it would keep you from ever being hurt.
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