Apr 08, 2006 11:01
Well it's all over at last. After a bit more than a month's worth of utter panic I handed up my final master CD yesterday. Now I just have to hand up my essay three days late and pay the 2 grand and I'll be right. :P I applied for a bank loan but was turned down on the grounds that it wasn't affordable. Pish (as Lachlan would say)! They entered my SAE debt in as well, even though I would be using the money from the loan to pay it all off anyway, so it looked like I would be paying $560 a month off my debts as opposed to the $160 it would be in reality. The thing that most shitted me off though was the 'we'll call you and let you know' and not getting a call. Twice. I had to go into the bank when I didn't get the call to apply for the loan in the first place and then having to call them to find out whether I'd been approved was bullshit. Of course that means going in and applying again but with a longer repayment period.
Of course that may also be screwed now anyway because work fucked up my pay during my leave. I applied to take a month off with half the hours coming from my annual leave and half coming from my banked hours they owed me but they didn't take the hours out of my bank. Instead it went through as Leave Without Pay, so I got $300 last fortnight and am potentially getting another $300 this pay fortnight as well. I'm already gonna wind up owing Jerry money for tomorrow's driving lesson and now probabaly another one. Also won't be able to do my singing lessons for another two weeks. It will also look like I'm earning bullshit money on my payslips which will mean the bank won't grant my loan even with a longer repayment period and at the same time I won't have any money to pay SAE with anyway because it will already be gone.
There's a whole lot of other stuff that's gone on, least of which is my complete exhaustion from doing way too much this last fortnight with work and uni at the same time.