Schedule for next semester!

Apr 03, 2007 16:12

8:10-9:05--Music Theory III
10:20-11:15--Intro to Piano
1:35-2:30--University Singers
2:30-4:00--Biblical Tradition and Culture (Honors)
4:10-5:35--Chapel Choir
7:10-9:55--Nutrition, Health, and Disease

9:45-11:10--Intro to International Relations
2:30-3:25--Basics of Playing Woodwind Instruments
4:10-5:05--Basics of Playing String Instruments
5:00-6:00 (I think)--Jazz Band

8:10-9:05--Music Theory III
10:20-11:15--Intro to Piano
12:30-1:25--Music at Midweek
1:35-2:30--University Singers
2:30-4:00--Biblical Tradition and Culture (Honors)
7:10-9:10--University Concert Band

9:45-11:10--Intro to International Relations
5:00-6:00 (I think)--Jazz Band
(I'll probably try to get my lessons for this day, since it is so bare)

8:10-9:05--Music Theory III
1:35-2:30--University Singers

Well, that's my schedule for next semester, Fall '07. I was going to have General Psychology, but there weren't any open ones that fit my schedule, so I decided to get one of my science classes out of the way, and Nutrition was the only one that really fit; but it's okay, because Jamie has that class too! So we won't be lonely, and we'll have partners for projects, and all that jazz. And I know virtually nothing about nutrition, so I'll sure learn a lot...I assume. And it's supposed to be a pretty easy class, too. So that's cool. And as far as University Singers goes, the final audition isn't until the first week of classes, so I won't know for SURE if I'm in it until then. But Dr. Doyle told me to at sign up for it anyway. And I think I'll get in. Some of my friends who are in it tell me they're positive I will, and they're not just saying it. So that's cool! Anyway, it should be a pretty sweet semester, class-wise. Yuuuuup.

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