If you read my myspace blog, this will look familiar

Mar 09, 2007 00:09

I feel kind of vulnerable. Emotionally, I mean. Well, how do I put this? Hm...little things aren't "setting me off" in the sense that they're making me mad or anything like that, no way. But...hm...little things are just knocking me over easily. I'm just so drained from the last couple of weeks, and so some things are hitting me with a greater intensity than they normally would. It's kind of weird, and I don't so much like it. I just need sleep, I'm sure of it. When I'm so tired, I get in weird moods like this. Definitely nothing to worry about; it's just annoying. You know?

Anyway, it is almost spring break. My spring break officially starts at 11:15 tomorrow, because my second class got cancelled for the day. So I just have German. But I have still have some pre-existing appointments before I come home (those consist of hanging out with Jamie, going to lunch with her and Alia, and walking them to University Singers rehearsal like I always do). I should be home by like 3:00 or so, I think. I need this break SO bad. Oh my goodness. I really need to get away from here for a little while, haha; but I'm sad to be leaving some of the people. But it's like this: I see these people every single day, some of them for most of the day--and that will pick up again after break. So it's not so bad. I am WAY excited to get to see everybody when I get home. And hang out with the ones I can. Heck yes. Good times.

Anyway, time for a depressing change of subject.

So, remember how I got all freaked out on Sunday, and I said we couldn't talk about it? Well, I think we can now, because the Beacon (the school paper) published a front-page article about it today, and were interviewing students about it yesterday, so I think we can talk about it. So, there is this guy who is one of my roommate's closest friends here; I'm kind of buddies with him, but we're really just friendly acquaintances, not all that close. Anyway, on Sunday morning at 5:00 a.m. he returned to his room after a long night of drinking; at about 7:30 he went down the hall and climbed into bed with this friend of his (still drunk), and it was a lofted bed, so really high. And I imagine there was no guardrail, because he fell out of the bed. The guy whose room he was in woke up about an hour later to the sound of him moaning on the ground, and he wasn't moving. An ambulance came, and they took him to the hospital; he is paralyzed from the chest down right now. He had surgery on Tuesday or yesterday...I can't remember which now...to stabilize his neck. It went well. Since Sunday he is already slowly getting more feeling back in his extremities, and getting a little more movement in his arms, and he is getting feeling lower on his chest and stuff. But yeah..that's what freaked me out. I think you can see why, yeah?

Well, I am exhausted, so I'm going to go to bed in a minute. I hope everyone is doing well, and if you don't have spring break starting tomorrow, I hope you can last until you DO have spring break. And when it comes: utilize it.
Goodnight, all,
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