"But somehow when you smile I can brave bad weather"

Jan 14, 2007 00:57

Well, here it is: my last night of freedom. Well, I was free for a month, so I guess that's pretty good. But tomorrow I have to go back to school…back to responsibility, obligation, schoolwork, craziness of college. It'll be weird; I think it is going to take me a couple days to adjust back to it. But I mean, considering that I lived there for almost four months before break, it shouldn't be that hard to adjust back. The main adjustment is going to be how busy I am going to be; it'll be a re-adjustment, I guess, since I was super busy the last two years of high school, but I think this is going to be a slightly heavier degree. But I guess that's good. It's going to be a return to normalcy, as I call it. (Can anyone get that reference? I might've asked this before. But anyway, I'd like to know if anyone can catch that reference)

I'm coming back two weekends from now, barring something suddenly coming up. See, here's the deal: my birthday is on the 24th, which is a Wednesday, and so the following weekend (Friday the 26th) I am coming home for birthday stuff. I really don't know what I'm doing that weekend, though. One of those nights I'll have my birthday dinner here at home with my family, and do presents and stuff. But I also want to have something with my close friends. Even if it's not an organized "party", I want to do something, like hanging out and watching a movie or two or something. I don't know. I guess we'll see? I bet it's going to really sneak up on me. Things sneak up on me a lot lately, it's crazy...like it doesn't feel like I should be going back to school yet. It doesn't feel like a whole month has passed; and I can't believe that my birthday is in 11 days; I can't believe I'm one-eighth of the way done with my undergraduate studies. I mean, holy jeez! It's ridicurous (oh man, another reference; can anyone get this one? It's a little trickier).

Today was a pretty nice day. I got to hang out with my two best friends, watch one of my all-time favorite movies with one of said best friends, have a nice 2-hour-plus talk with the other of said best friends, I had some pizza for dinner, and it was a very chill day. Which was pretty nice for my last full free day for a while. Woo! Oh, and I found out when my spring break is, and it's perfect: the Jazz Band Dinner/Dance is at the end of it, so I get to go, so I'm way excited about that. I think my spring break is a week or two before the high school's.

So I found out that I'm going to have a new trumpet teacher this semester. My old one called me the other day and says "My schedule for the next few months got really hectic, so I won't be able to teach at the University of Portland anymore", so we're going to have one of the other guys from the Oregon Symphony, who apparently is a really nice guy. So, that should be cool, but it kind of sucks that I have to start all over with a new teacher. I was finally getting used to this guy's style and everything, and we were getting pretty chummy and such. But he said that if I ever need anything, including tickets to the Symphony, I should just give him a call. So that's pretty cool. He was finally starting to warm up to me…oh well.

Okay, this is seriously one of my all-time favorite albums. There are some albums that I really think are just phenomenal, and this is one of them. Pete Townshend's a genius. Yup. And this song, "1921", is super awesome.

Well, I guess that's all for now. I hope everyone's weekend is going well!

Goodnight, all,
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