Title: Forks Talkin'
Prompt: 001. Fork
Character: Ciaran Rock
Fandom: Star Wars
Word Count: 271
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Ciaran-Ramblings Ahead. Proceed with caution. And Maybe spoilers for one of the Jedi Quest books. I can't recall which one, since I don't currently have them in my possession.
Disclaimer: Lucas Owns. Sue me not.
Summary: A One-sided conversation between inanimate objects.
Author's Notes: I really fear for my sanity. <-- This has become my mantra lately. This does not bode well. And Ciaran promises he will stop writing about this inicdent when you kind folks stop giving him prompts that make him do so. Take it up with him.
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*slight plunk as Ciaran is set down on the table; he notes his companion and nods a greeting*
Hey man, how's it going? You been here long? Yeah? Really? Wow, sucks to be you. I couldn't imagine being left somewhere for that long. I mean, if it were on a windowsill, then maybe I could see it, especially if it was sunny, but the kid's not usually prone to letting me out often. This is a special occasion, it would seem, since he usually only takes me out when he's feeling lonely. You ever get that? No, I suppose not, huh? I mean, cutlery usually passes through lots of hands in one day, doesn't it, so you'd have crap loads of companions, I'd imagine.
Not so for me, I'm afraid. The inside of one pocket, for me, ayep. Oh, it's cozy enough, and I get some good pets every once in a while...yeah, yeah, I hear ya. It is better than being manhandled all day long. Kriff, I can't imagine what that must be like for you. And I don't fancy having to take a bath every time it happens, either. And this coming from a rock that used to live in a river? Scary stuff, I tell you.
Yeah, I used to...hey. Hey!...HEY! Where are you going??? Oy, you're forgetting someone, Ace! Come back! HEEEEEEEYYY!
Well, would you look at that. Ungrateful little whelp. And now, this is me, stuck next to a fork. No offense mate, but seriously. Who leaves their pet rock with a fork?
Great. This is just lovely. Now I'll never get back to Coruscant...