That would make a good "tag," wouldn't it?? "Ad Infinitum." 'Cause some things just never change. But that's a rant for another day.
I am generally disgruntled over several stupid little things at the moment. One of them is that we're supposed to get frost overnight. Really??? Frickin' frost??? After a few 80-degree days, now we're having an overnight drop to about 32 F, and "widespread frost" is in the forecast. Why am I disgruntled about this, you ask, as it's still only May?
I'll tell ya. My lilac bush. I love this bush. It's too big to cover up now, but the last couple years it's been the same deal. It's gotten warm really fast, my little bush starts buddin', and then WHAM! there's a frost and no flowers. *sigh* Not happy.
Another thing I'm bugged about is drama. Not goin' into details as it's not necessary but 'tis just one of those things that gets old quickly and never quite goes away. Ever.
I'm also annoyed with hormones. lol 'Nuff said.
And I'm bored with myself. lol Don't ask. Just happens sometimes. Oh, and the car is STILL not completely fixed. Saga unto itself.
So...I made a wallpaper. LOL