TWICE in one week! It''s...somethin'...!

Apr 30, 2015 19:05

Well here I am again, in an attempt to revive my LJ self. We shall see if this is even possible, or even if it's desirable...or if it's even noticed, after so long. Quite like the sleeping lords around Aslan's Table in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, my LJ has languished as FB dominated.

I'm not entirely certain what made me peek back in here. Maybe cleaning up some of my old bookmarks had somethin' to do with it. But regardless, here I be again, waving hello.

Car troubles highlight the week, but that's not anything anybody wants to *hear* about, let alone talk about, so I'll leave that topic posthaste and move onto something else. Spring!

Spring seems finally to have sprung, as the saying goes. Although the temps haven't been much more than mid-upper 60's so far, that's MUCH improved over the bitter cold we had through much of the winter. And it's startin' to get green out there. :D Today it was warm enough in my car with the sun on it that I rolled my window down on the way home from work. :D Yeah, baybee, bring it on!  (*snort* and in about a month we'll all be complaining how ridiculously hot and humid it is. Go figure.)

FANDOM. I'm still pluggin' away with Star Wars calendar walls; if anybody wants to see May's set, or April's de-calendarized set, lemme know.

Hmm. Oh, yes, SHORE LEAVE comin' later this summer and this year David Nykl shall be there, so looking foward to that! :)

Ok, am I revived enough yet? LOL Hope all is well with everybody else!

wallpapers, shore leave, amusement, livejournal, calendars, sga, lj friends, real life

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