midterms... blah

Jan 20, 2004 19:05

midterms are all this week... i had web design today, and it sucked... halfway through my thing the computer fucked up and i had to start all over again. which was ok cause i redid it and it was better, haha. tomorrow i have english and chorus/gym... and i think i need to go study for english but, i dont want to! and i just remembered that i forgot to pass in my summary thing, shit... oh well...

i have some good/bad news.. im not sure if its good or not. its about anthony, if you wanna check out the conversation, here... its kinda long

Me: hey, do you kno when the semi is??
Anthony: nope
Anthony: wasn't planning on going to tell you the truth
Me: how come?
Anthony: don't know
Anthony: don't want to pay to dress up
Me: lol nice
Me: i wanna go.. but, i dont have a date
Anthony: you don't need a date
Me: yea, i def. do
Anthony: why?
Anthony: just find some other people without dates and go with them
Me: cause i dont wanna be a loser and go stag
Anthony: it's more fun with no attachments anyway
Me: lol im talkin to my friend joey, whos friends w/ jared.. and hes like, jared will go w/ you and im like uh no thanks lol
Me: eh, i dunno
Me: could be i guess
Anthony: you can grind everyone you see and what guy's gonna say stop?
Me: the guy that has a date, whos not a loser and actually has one
Anthony: haha
Me: i want a bf lol
Anthony: I think you know just as well as I do that if there's a stag crew at Bapst then there'll be one at Brewer
Anthony: and it'll be bigger
Me: lol
Me: true
Anthony: I'm a genius
Anthony: didn't you know that?
Me: ha, right
Me: yea
Me: so what should i do about my bf problem??
Me: huh?? huh??
Anthony: go out with an older Soderberg
Anthony: haha
Me: uh NO
Me: thats quite alright, thanks
Me: your advice sucks lol
Anthony: I know
Anthony: it's so you won't ask for it anymore
Me: heyyyy now lol
Me: brb
Anthony: k
Auto response from HotLikeFireXx: I'm starting to fashion an idea in my head where I would impress you with every single word I said. Would come out insightful or brave or smooth or charming and you'd want to call me. And I would be there every time you'd need me, I'd be there every time... But for now I'll look so longingly waiting... For you to want me, for you need me, for you to notice me....
Me: allllrighty
Anthony: boo
Me: ??
Anthony: that's what I thought
Me: ok??
Anthony: yeah
Me: wait, im confused
Me: which doesnt take much... but hey
Anthony: yeah I expected as much
Me: fuck you
Me: :-D
Me: why are you so mean to me??
Anthony: I'm not
Anthony: you're the one who hits me all the time
Me: yes you are... :(
Me: hits on you... i mean!! no your the one who HITS me first
Anthony: yeah yeah
Anthony: you do a pretty bad job hittin on me
Anthony: lol
Me: well ya kno, i dont wanna come on too strong, you might not be able to handle it
Me: i have to tell you tho
Me: lol
Me: its weird... but..
Me: on the bus i was like, wow thats not cool, or something... because i had the sudden urge to kiss you and i dont kno why lol it was weird
Me: :-\
Anthony: well then
Anthony: that can be arranged
Me: whatever, you wouldnt
Anthony: not on the bus no
Me: you dont do a good job on hittin on me either
Me: cause you dont want anyone to kno
Anthony: no because you're abusive
Anthony: hha
Me: whatever lol
Me: k, serious question time..
Me: would you ever date me again??
Anthony: I don't know
Anthony: we're not real close right now
Anthony: we don't even really talk much
Me: i kno... but i try!
Anthony: suuure you do
Anthony: lol
Me: but i kno that youve told people that youd never date me again, and youve told me that before to... and im just confused
Anthony: well I don't know, there are times when I think that and times when I'm not so sure
Me: when your not so sure??
Anthony: well when you tell me you have those urges I think maybe you've changed
Anthony: but then I'll think the past hasn't
Me: i cant change the past...
Me: but i have changed the way i am because i saw how much it hurt you and i kno how much it hurt me to see you like that... it tore me apart when we didnt talk, honestly.. i miss you so much..
Me: or you could not say anything cause i didnt just say mostly everything i felt right there
Me: :-\

and then he got offline... he said he got booted...

but anyway... im not sure if its good or bad...

ive been writin a lot of stuff down, poems and semi-songs... i should put them in here sometime.

i might have a date to my semi on valentines day, im not sure tho... who knows..

SPANK ME! I MEAN SPANK IT!! B97 is great..

well, im out.. im bored.. i think imma find something to do, plus im watchin the baby.

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