Jan 05, 2004 13:23
im so tired... im in webpage design class right now and its boring. and gay, and go figure, my teachers name is ms. gay. ha, thats ironic.
im confused with guys right now, i dont know if i still like that guy.. and its weird to talk to him now. anthony told me something, and this other guy told me he likes me, and i feel kinda bad... whatever..
im such a confused little girl, somebody help me figure myself out!
im getting back on anthonys good side, yaaaaay! haha
i couldnt really care less about anything right now, but its all good. whatever.
ill update later, maybe.. if i go to kris's... maybe we'll walk to nick's today :::grins::: I WONT STEAL HIM, DONT WORRY!
im out, loves