Jul 13, 2009 23:50
To tell you the truth, i don't feel like recounting the past few weeks. I never found a job and have spent the summer doing odd jobs. I regret not getting recertified to life guard... I can't show my self in a bathing suit, the thought of it makes be break out into a sweat. (pathetic i know, but thats how it is)
I find myself looking forward to doing little things. I like taking showers, and lying under the fan afterward. Doing laundry and watering the garden. I make meals for amanda so she won't be hungry when she gets home. I'm a happy little wife... nah, i wish i was though.
I'm a little bit worried about rooming with amanda. But really it just a little bit. We are getting better and better at giving each other space. She is in the tv room now, waiting up for me to finish typing this. I think i wake her when i come to bed late.
Tomorrow amanda goes to her first day at MOA. I'll spend the day at home struggling with my feeling about her father. (as many of you LJ stalkers might know he is a complicated man.) He seems to have been telling people that Amanda is unhappy in our relationship, I know its a lie, amanda is upset too. He says that I force her to do what ever i want. Anybody who knows amanda knows that it is not possible to force her to do ANYTHING. She is stubborn are a cuddley mule. If only i could find a motive for his slander. I have no intention of confronting him.
He is a pitful little man.
Harry Potter tomorrow night, I had hoped to see it with fran and andee, but those plans fell through long ago. Its too bad, i was really looking forward to them.
I am ready to go back to mills at a moments notice.
also, I am baffled by Laurens disturbing and possibly erotic tweets.
Amanda is calling for me, so i'll end this by promising you all that i will be on the computer more than once every 2 weeks. I will read my friends page, check my facebook and, if i don't forget checkout the queeriot. I should be a better long distance friend, i had one once, but thats another story.