(no subject)

Oct 03, 2009 20:29

Chii sucks at HTML so we're going to do it this way!

If you want to know what Euphie thinks about your character, comment here! I'll update it as time goes on, if things change, too!


Note: If you play more than one character, comment once for each character/their LJ, so I can keep things organized? So if you play, X, Y, and Z, make each one a different comment?

Reference for colors!
♥ Indicates looooove. Doesn't have to be romantic love, but just. Big warm feelings of happy.
. ♥ Super good friends, almost love. Still would do anything for them.
. ♥ People she doesn't know that well but still likes.
. ☠ She doesn't like these people, orz.
. ♥ Everyone else.
. ❀ Slept with them or fooled around, lol.


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