olol here we go.

Aug 06, 2009 01:50

Albert- event, not choice.
Reborn- event, not choice.
Mukuro- event, not choice.
Shirou- event, not choice.
Haine- Event, but later choice, when Heine was able to touch girls. Mooonths of working up to this point, sob.
Villetta- event, not choice.
Starscream- event, choice due to him being a pathetic son of bitch + her liking him :(
Akira- event, choice

Suzaku- Choice, yet rarely sleeps with anymore. Still friends though!
Balthier- Choice, months ago, due to there being no one else.
Tamaki- choice, both times to help him when he had no help.
Yusei- choice, he needed help, and didn't have anyone else.
Rook- choice, due to her flskjfkl feelings on whores, lol.
Flynn- choice, only when she arrived, because Suzaku wasn't there.

Not here anymore:
Arystar Krory- choice, just once, because they were dating but then he dropped fff.
Jeremiah- choice + event, had no one else, really, and he was from her world.
Lavi- choice, he was going to let himself go, and her and allen were like FUCK THAT.
Giovanni- choice, lol, because she was worried he'd die.
Allen- choice, slept with a few times due to them being bffs and both needing collar help.
Machi- Choice, due to a log and Machi's worries, etc. etc.

Since people worry about her being a ~bike~ and such, uh, each person she's slept with, there's been a reason. A lot of the people, they've either dropped, or she can't do anything with them due to other circumstances. Also keep in mind, goddamn, she's been here a year and then some. If you have any concerns, drop them in my HDM post, thanks!

Last updated 12-17-09, and as of 12-17, the only people she is sleeping with consistently, are Starscream, and possibly (?) Rook?
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