CR for Microcosm. IS A WIP ;;

May 11, 2009 20:37

. ♥ Indicates looooove. Doesn't have to be romantic love, but just. Big warm feelings of happy.
. ♥ Super good friends, almost love. Still would do anything for them.
. ♥ People she doesn't know that well but still likes.
. ☠ She doesn't like these people, orz.
. ♥ Everyone else / neutral feelings because she doesn't know them well yet.
. ❀ Slept with them or fooled around, lol.
. Strikeouts indicate that they are no longer there!


1.   C.C. ♥ & ❀ ;; This whole situation is complicated. Euphemia really, really likes C.C. and is super grateful for everything that the older woman does for her.  She's one of her closest friends, and is the person that Euphemia fixes her chip with. In a lot of ways, Euphemia looks up to her, because in Micro Euphemia is highly unsure of herself, especially with the situation that they have been tossed into, yet C.C. seems so sure of herself so often.

Also, copypasted from Euphie's info: "Initially she was going to be played as heterosexual, but Micro kinda made that not happen LOL since for some reason like...she had no luck with guys, and tons of luck with girls. When it came down to it, she helped C.C. with her chip, because C.C. was familiar, C.C. knew her brother, C.C. was from her world. Euphemia half clung to the idea of something familiar, and C.C was just that." That isn't to say that she is intentionally using C.C. -- that's exactly what she wants to avoid, really. The last thing she wants is for C.C. to feel like she has been used.

2.   Lelouch vi Britannia ♥ ;; As far as this goes, it's mostly canon how Euphie feels about him. There's not really any special developments save for Lelouch's arrival here, that makes anything different or whatever. Euphie just loves her brotherrrrr~~

Non canon.

3.   Lancer ♥ ;; Euphie's kinda unsure about him. On one hand, he seems nice enough, but it's super awkward knowing that he's banging Saber, orz.

4.   Mikogami Hayato ♥ ;; Mikogammmiiii.  One of Euphie's favorite people here just because he's absolutely adorable and sweet. Most of the time. To Euphie, he's a really sweet, caring person who's helped her and C.C. out a great deal and she's not entirely sure how to pay him back. She wants to, of course, but again, lol, she's not sure how.  She's also never sure how to respond to his flirting and vague hints at things, which makes for awkward times. There's potential interest there, but he would have to make the first move.  Euphie looks up to him a great deal, though he may not realize it, because of the whole master/servant thing.

5.   Mutsu ♥ ;; Mutsu! Another one of her favorite people. He's fairly serious, kind of intimidating, but Euphemia absolutely adores him. She feels like a lot of the time she says the wrong thing to him, or is a little too clumsy with her words, and worries she offends him, because that's the last thing she wants to do. She still has the stuffed animal he bought for her, and sleeps with it at night, even if it's a bit childish.

6.   Allen Walker ♥ ;; A really nice person who she doesn't know terribly well. They've talked twice.

7.   Gilgamesh ♥/☠ & ❀ ;; AWKWARD. That's the only way to describe how this is. The chip makes people unbearably horny, haha, and things ended up happening, to the effect of her sleeping with Gilgamesh. What's worse is that she regrets it now, especially because lol virginity going to some guy she's never met. Part of her just wants to forget it, because she hates that the chip made her like that, and part of her feels bad for wanting to forget.  Either way, she doesn't talk much to him anymore, because Saber and he tend to fight a lot, and he was seemingly ready to kill her and Saber at one point.

8.   Shido ♥ ;; They spoke once, and Euphie offered to be his friend. She doesn't know him, but asljslkjkg worries. :(

9.   Saber ♥ ;;  Seibaaaa. Her Servant, which makes things super awkward. Euphie is never sure what to say or do, or how to be a good Master for Saber. Their situation is why she looks up to Mutsu and Mikogami so much; they seem to have their lives figured out and she wants to try to be the best that she can for Saber, even if she's sure she's Doing It Wrong. Either way, Saber is wonderful.

10.   Arcueid ♥ ;; A girl Euphie met and now worries hardcore about, orz.

11.    Raven ♥ ;; Really nice guy! Works at a bar and is against kittens getting fixed, hahaha.

12.  Karasuba ♥ ;; They only spoke a little, so this is kinda n/a.

13.   James ♥ ;; Strange, strange person who Euph tried to teach about the computer.  ...Has weird pets.

14.    Brian Kinney  ♥;;; Nice enough guy, though their views on things differ greatly.

15.   Uzume ♥ ;; Nice girl who showed her the micro brand of beer-- boobwiser. awwwyeah.

16.   Orihime Inoue ♥ ;; Haha, really nice girl who Euphie  kind of thinks is a little like herself. 

cr, rp: microcosm, character relationships

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