Dec 07, 2006 00:47
sooo, i haven't posted in awhile, but i really fucking need to vent. on sunday morning i woke up to discover that somebody had slashed my front tires. this is the third time in the past month that somebody has fucked with my car and i'm fucking furious. you better believe if i figure out who's doing it i will fucking kill them and i have 3 police reports on file so they will be going to jail. this shit is getting ridiculous. the worst part is i have no fucking clue who's doing it. like i can't think of a single person who has a reason to pull some shit like that so at this point i can only assume it's some homophobic asshole who hates me for being gay or something. i don't know, but it's pretty ridiculous.
ok, with that aside things have been alright. the semester is almost over which is sooooo exciting. just my acting final and that 10 page lit crit paper left. so on tuesday i'll be officially done. other than that things have been ok. been on my meds for a few weeks now, feeling pretty good, just need to get on a regular sleep schedule, hopefully that'll help my energy. i'm just hoping to have a good break, make some money, and maybe get hired by charleston county. and i hope next semester will be better. i'm pretty happy with my lady, just taking it one day at a time. but so far things are great. things with some friends are great, things with others have gone to shit, but i figured it's beyond my control and i have to handle my shit first and foremost. so that's it pretty much. hopefully just 2 semesters left, plus some summer classes. hopefully.