On the way home from the airport, I talked to your mom. I was trying very hard not to be mesmerized by her hair-- it's gold, luminous, and I swear, on more than one occasion, it actually shimmered. Her hair shimmers, while mine is reminiscent of grease and tar. Go figure. She was going over the merits of your vacation, and she enumerated the ways in which it'll be good for you. Psychological, going back to your roots, reality check etc. When you come back, you will have to fill out a detailed survey and analysis of your vacation's various benefits, just so we can make sure your two and a half month vacation was productive. Your absence frees up at least 20 hours for me, so you bet your tight, distant little ass that I will have time to make surveys/ vacation analysis, and possibly appropriate graphs to accompany it.
I also forgot to tell you that we can post private entries that we'll only see if we're logged-in. It should go without saying that if I have something on private, I'm not too keen on sharing what I have to say with anyone other than you. STRONG, BLATANT HINT. Also we can respond to posts with comments, that way we don't feel like we're carrying on very long, ridiculously elaborate monologues.
At the risk of sounding like an overly-sentimental idiot, I will tell you that I suffered a mini-emotional lapse on the drive home. "Beautiful Girl" was on and it triggered recent memories of mocking sessions that sent me into an emotional tail-spin. To resolve this, I may or may not have made a sharp turn into Trader Joe's for some tiramisu and mochi. I certainly did not rip through an entire box of chocolate mochis on the way home. That would be greedy, sad, and obscene and I'm so better than that.
After not binging on mochi balls, I took a nap and went to the gym with Oliwia, but not before I had a mini-panic attack after hearing that 268 United planes were delayed because of a computer glitch. I promptly alerted your Mom, did some impromptu investigation, and, despite not knowing your airline or flight, temporarily concluded that you were in the clear, under the logic that you or Daniel would've called if something like that had occurred.
Ricardo was at Bally's-- forced, awkward smiles were exchanged, after which Oliwia and I decided to come up with our own language. Apparently, we have the whispering capacity of a foghorn and the discretion of an elephant, thus eliminating any possibility of us ever becoming super secret agent government spies. The most logical solution is to come up with a completely novel language, along with matching hieroglyphs.
At about 8:30, we were done with working out, so we showered, got ready,and hit-up Starbucks. We wound up at Cold Stone instead because apparently the Starbucks by Buffalo Bill's closes at 9:00 and the people working will not open up five minutes before 9 no matter how hard you press your face against the door. Sometimes, Oliwia and I are so classy, I wonder if we're overdoing it a bit. I had a strawberry concoction of some sort at Cold Stone, saw some people from Mundelein, and then ran into Matt. He has platinum blond hair, by the way. Not nice and alluring like your mom's, but gay and fluorescent like a Chippendale's dancer. Very attractive. My panties were melting faster than the Cold Stone Signature Creation I was cradling in my hands.
While Oliwia and I were talking, my Mom called me. Something about having a car charger in my car, and it being the Car Charger of Life and Death. She said something else about me having to be home by 9 but I'm choosing to selectively (and conveniently) not hear that.
When I got home, I talked to Rose Anne, and to reduce a 1-hour conversation to something short, sweet, and simple, she's coming back around mid or late-August.
It's now 12:40 a.m. and I'm about to head off to bed. I realize this is pretty long but I tend to get over-enthusiastic when sharing my life. Oliwia and numerous other people never fail to remind me that I will easily survive two-and-a-half months without you. I half-heartedly agree and assure them that I will not have a stroke just because you're not around.
It's not about being able to survive without you, it's about not wanting to have to. I love you, baby. Be safe.