Who: Cameron, anyone else who'd like to drop in
Where: House's office
What: Cameron tries to get ahead on sending replies to House's emails.
When: early morning, Monday, April 10th
Cameron had accepted the fact that House would never answer his own email. )
“I...I just came in to leave this,” Wilson said, walking across the desk and sticking his pre-written post-it note to the lamp, where hopefully House would see it.
It read ‘1:30pm, the mice await - JW’.
Wilson considered explaining to Cameron what that meant, but then decided it against. “Been pretty quiet around here lately, I take it,” he said instead, realising it’d probably be rude to just walk out again.
"It's been fairly quiet, but something is bound to come up. Something always does," she said, pausing to sip her tea. "I'm trying to get a head start on the usual emails before that something comes along, whatever it is."
It seemed that she did do it on her own free-will, after all. If it seemed Cameron was doing it because House had coerced her in some way, Wilson probably would have had more to say on the topic.
The thought of all the work that was awaiting him in his own office filled Wilson with dread. He knew he’d have more work than usual to deal with, to make up for the time it’d take to get through the interviews. Considering that it was still early, Wilson grabbed the large tennis ball that sat on House’s desk and slumped into the spare chair. Procrastination was a finely tuned art.
“How was your weekend?” Wilson finally asked, tossing the ball between his hands, after struggling to find something to say.
“Uh, well,” Wilson said, resuming his tossing of the ball while trying to figure out how much to say - or if to say anything at all. “It was…good. I saw ‘V for Vendetta’. Not my usual type of film, but it wasn’t half bad.”
Wilson wasn’t sure what he would say if Cameron asked who he went with. Would House care if he told her they’d gone to see it together? It wasn’t like they hadn’t done something like that as friends, but House had always been a private person…. Wilson sighed silently and looked towards the window. For once, he’d love to be able to not worry about anything.
Oh, emails were boring. Especially the ones where the internet savvy parent copy/pasted links to web sites describing the disease he/she felt certain his/her child had. There was one that mentioned something about the plague; she saved that one, deciding House might find it amusing at best.
She glanced over at Wilson again and noticed him staring in the direction of the window. Something seemed... off. She wasn't sure what exactly, but her curiosity was quickly getting the best of her, "Everything okay?"
Sometimes she did like romantic comedies. Sometimes. She did, however, enjoy musicals but decided not to admit that in certain settings. Romantic comedies, she found, were slightly depressing while being single. Even for the golden beam of optimism, they could be a little irksome.
She shrugged and scooted the chair back from the desk just a little. Staring at the screen was already starting to hurt her eyes. "At least, being key there. I'd say more like hour, mostly because we don't have a case yet," she said, with an amused little smile. "If you came in late, whatever would the nurses do? They can't start the day without staring at you - so the rumors say."
More likely that they saw him as a kindly guy who was a good listener and someone they could talk to in confidence. While Wilson didn’t like admitting it even to himself, he enjoyed having that image. He liked being useful…needed.
“Anyway, I think you’re right, sitting around thinking about work is about as bad as actually doing it. So I might as well just…go and do it,” Wilson said, putting the ball back on House’s desk and getting to his feet.
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