^ Killing the Left vs Right Myth

Apr 08, 2011 02:19

Before people can wake up to what is (& has been) going on, they have to realize that what we've been taught & told is bullshit.  Left vs right is a lie…a distraction…a divide & conquer tactic.  Something to divert our attention away from the real issues & real problems, & to keep us arguing amongst ourselves.

They say, "Democrats this…", or "Republicans that…"
They say, "Bush did this…", & "Obama did that…"
REALIZE THIS: It's NOT left vs right, rich vs poor, black vs white, or anything else…
Let me say that again.
It's NOT left vs right, rich vs poor, black vs white, or anything else…

& if people don't wake up to this cold, hard truth, & soon, we are all going to be fucked, with a capital FUCKED.

If there is any doubt as to whether left vs right is a lie, consider this:

BUSH: TARP I bailouts, the "Patriot" Act, & wars in Afghanistan & Iraq…
OBAMA: TARP II bailouts, renewed the "Patriot" Act, & war in Libya…

Sure looks the same to me.  Wasn't Obama's campaign about change?
Democrats & Republicans are just 2 wings on the same ugly vulture.  Do you ever wonder WHY, no matter which "side" is "in charge", the flight plan NEVER changes?  Now you know.  These supposed 2 parties are really one, & they're just the left & right wings of the Screw The People Party.  They rig the game to insure that they stay in power.  WHY do you think that it's so difficult for a 3rd party candidate to get on a ballot?  Because it's a rigged game…a slanted table…a stacked deck.

We must get past the "pro-wrestling politics", & understand that they're all working together for their best interests, NOT ours.  They're all working together toward a sinister agenda, & our Freedom & Liberty aren't on it.  And until we do, we can't come together as we should.  The Constitution says, "WE THE PEOPLE…", not "I", or "me", or "he", or "she".  WAKE UP!!!
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