May 27, 2004 16:17
Well. Quite the busy several days. Good on the whole- quite good in some areas, mediocre in others- but busy to say the least. First, the good. 1) New car. I finally got one and it's great. For $8000 I got a 97 VW Jetta GLX with a VR6, 6 CD changer, power everything, and even leather seats. I don't really know if leather seats and I are the best combination, but I'll make do. Plus, it goes faster, steers better, and has more room than my truck (not to mention an actual working susupension), all of which make me very happy. 2) Grades. Is it bad that my last semester of college was my best GPA yet? Admittely, it helped that it was calculated based on two classes, but still, a 3.50 makes me happy. The WTF award, though, goes to me getting an A- from Taranovski. I had been planning on something Bish, so that was a shock. I think some of it may have been the result of a slight bias in the "he's a graduating senior, I'll grade easily" direction, but whatever the reason, I won't complain. And I got out of Honors 401 exactly what I put into it- just enough effort to give me the + after the easy B that Mott promised. So, yeah, that's nice. 3) Invader Zim. I now own the DVD, complete with Walk of Doom and Room with a Moose. Much rejoicing has commenced, along with the many "oo"'s.
Now, the mediocre. 1) Money. Stupid, stupid money. I've had to write more checks for more money in the past week than I ever though possible- admittedly, it's been to get me nice stuff, but still, lots of money. Fortunately, I'll be getting paid well this summer, but considering the $1000 or so that I'll owe various people/companies each month, it's still going to suck. 2) Rain. I like the rain, and would be fine if it decided to rain on weekends and such, but when it keeps me from working, I'm not such a fan. Yes, that's right, I'm complaining about having days off, but for the reason, see #1. 3) People. I just feel like this has been a bad month or so with me and people. I've had to say goodbye to important ones, I've been less than happy around (and to) those that I love, and have just kind of been sucking at the day to day interactions with most of the world. It's gotten better somewhat recently, but there's still room for growth.
Yeah, that's about it really. I should go actually get started on packing, since I'm going to CA for 4 days tomorrow and will therefore be unable to move over the weekend like I would have liked. Ah well, such is life. At least I'm only moving four blocks- I could be moving somewhere the would involve packing more complicated than throwing random things in a box and stuffing them in the back of my car/truck.