Please forgive me if I act a little strange

May 22, 2004 20:27

Following a rather strong case of loneliness (not quite right. Nostalgia? missing someone-ness? Whatever), I decided to post this. Quite simply, this is everything I wanted to say on Wednesday night as I left bluewitchbaby's house, but it being 1 in the morning and me being not good at goodbyes, I never got around to it:

Thanks. Thanks for being there for me all along, for being my reality check and my kick in the ass. Thanks for being my first of so many things- not the least of which was the first person I could truly open up to and let inside. Thanks for the good times (which helped to make the past four years so great) and even the bad ones (since they forced me to grow and made me a better person in the end) and for all the books, music, and life that you introduced me to. You've been a big part of my life in one way or another for almost four years and I wouldn't trade any of it for anything. Yes, this is an end, and yes, it's also a new beginning, but all that aside, I'm really going to miss having you around. I told you two years ago that I was still in love with you, and I was only half wrong. I love you- not in a passionate sense, but rather as one of the best friends I could have ever asked for. So once again, thanks, and I'll see you around.
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