Okay well I have lots to explain here since I havent written in a long time. First how about we start with what happened this morning, or actually better start with last night.
Well lets see, I dont have a dad anymore. No, I dont care either. Well Last night I cant even remember why but he got pissed and wont talk to me, you know, the usual shit. So this morning I am downstaires with my mom and he totally blows up calling me and my brother an asshole, saying how he "fuckin hates me" pretty much saying anything to make me sad and hurt and feel like shit. My mom tries to help me saying if you dont like any of us to just leave but he says he has no where to go and has a job. You know, if he did leave it would be so much easier on all of us. No one to make us feel bad or call us rude things that I dont feel like saying right now.
So, anyone have a dad they want to share?
Anyways enough with that ill update on the better things that happened in the past few weeks.
Well first I slept over at kaytee's house and as a suprise i brought over Momoko. Oh man that was like, the funnest thing ever. We went to the park, climbed through the bushes and told some guys they were hott. Also at like 10 at night we went to Nickel Nickel which was hilarious. We were playing DDR, then we spotted these humungo glasses we all wanted so we won all the tickets we needed and soon enough we were running around like idiots with big glasses on. Then they closed at like midnight so me and kaytee (momoko was behind a tree cause she was chickennnn) pushed our faces up against the glass of the window from the outside and were knocking on the glass waving at the guy cleaning up which was funny, he totally ignored us, not even a smile. That made it even funnier though.
The only bad part is, I left my cell phone D: which I missed so much.
Then there was band camp, lets say, mixed emotions there. Some of if was fun, and most of it was hard hard work. I know all the routines but then when we got out on the field to practice I pretty much just wanted to lay down and cry. This one girl was being really bossy and pissing me off. Oh well it all turned out in the end and I met a lot of people, guys too, freshmen ones though so nooo im not interested.
Oh yeah and I almost forgot. One word. Steven. Okay so Meghan IMed me the other day randomly and so did her friend Steven, he said I seemed nice, I thought he seemed nice. Sooner than I know it we were talking on the phone untill 4 in the morning. We had everything in common, he was great. It was too good to be true. It was. We were going to go out with eachother too, since he did ask me out. We decided to go with Meghan to a movie also. I get there and we shake hands, he seemed nice and all and after we get a ride from a guy over to the mall and get back we go to the movies, at first he sat by me, but then he and meghan switched seats, my mind went crazy, "does he hate me?" "was I ugly to him?" all that stuff, but I found out meghan made him switch since she is a protective friend and didnt want too much to happen. Well during the movie meghan kept wispering no and saying shut up to him and stuff. Meghan had to go to the bathroom though and left us, we were just talking, mainly about how the movie was boringggg. We say Dukes of Hazzard by the way. AFter it was over and he left me and Meghan we just talking. She said the reason she kept saying no is because he kept wanting to makeout with me and then since she wouldnt let him then he wanted me and Meghan to make out. Ehh sorry but im not gonna kiss another girl just so he can get off on it. It was fun anyways. Ever since that night though he hasnt been online at all so im pretty sure somethings up. Oh well though, theres plenty of better guys at my school im sure of.
Also on Monday I went over to Momokos, that day she was going to be moving to an apartment. I brought my digital camera and took tons of pictures. We went to the Castille park and Castille school, it was tons of fun but I still dont want her to move D:
Shes moving this Thursday. I didnt think that the day would come, I just thought it was a possibility but she probably wouldnt :/
Im gonna miss her...
Oh yesssss. Also on my way home from Color guard camp we were pulling into the driveway and my mom goes "Is that Kaytee on the driveway?" and I scream and pretty much jump out of the car screaming cause she was finally back from visiting her relatives, and to add to all that joy she had my dear beloved cell phone and she brought me a seagull note <3.
Thats pretty much most of what happened throughout the past few weeks. School is starting this Wednesday. I really want to see my friends, but all the work that were gonna have to do and such. Plus a whole bunch of my friends moved and all that stuff so yeah.
Oh while writing this my dad came in and was all saying sorry and how he will try harder, at first I wasnt paying attention and figured oh well. I guess were gonna try once more to get along I guess. This so better not turn out how it always does, bad. I always give him "one more chance."