Jun 29, 2005 14:36
sometime between 9:30 and 12:15am last night, my baby boy Alpha passed away. :_:
i don't even understand why, it was so quick and out of nowhere. he wasn't defacating as much as he used to, but he still did have small pieces. i found him pineconing 2 days ago, but he wasn't even bloated. i started treating him with tetracycline and gave him an epsom salt bath, which seemed to relieve the pineconing. yesterday was his second day of treatment, and all day he was lethargic due to the medication, but still handling everything alright. or so i thought. :( i just don't get it. could it of been dropsy? whatever the cause, it was just too quick for me to catch. i'm still going to investigate it.
and with his passing i vow to stop buying anymore bettas. i just can't handle the deaths. i take it so hard. i lost RedRed this year, soon followed by my babybaby Cobalt, and now my last adult boy Alpha has gone. i hate that they left me. at least i know they're all in a better place.
so Alpha boy, i hope you know i loved you so much. you were the best bubblenest maker of the bunch. you were such a good boy, always have been, always will be. thank you for letting me take care of you and loving you and adoring you. i'm sorry i couldn't help you sooner, and that i realized too late that something was wrong. i miss you, boy. i know all the boys will take care of you where you are. be a good baby. i love you!
real life,